What is the new name for the swine flu

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the new name for the swine flu”,you can compare them.

Influenza A(H1N1) is the more scientific name for the virus many know as “swine flu”. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-new-name-for-the-swine-flu ]
More Answers to “What is the new name for the swine flu
Is Swine flu real… Or is it just regular flu with a new name??
The swine flu is real but currently the name may be a misnomer in the fact that no pigs aren’t sick. The fact no pigs are infected is leading the World governments and Health Organization to find a new name for this strand of flu. The flu i…
Who will make the effort to rename the “Swine Flu” with…?
I cannot understand why they call it Swine flu when it is nothing to do with pigs. It is an avian/human virus mix. Also every time a new flu starts it used to be simply called after the area it started in. (Asian flu, Red flu which starte…
What is the new Swine Flu name suggested by the U. S. Government …?
“The government is still searching for a new name, but one official suggested: H1N1 Flu Outbreak” U.S. officials said Tuesday they may abandon the term swine flu, for fear it’s confusing people into thinking they could catch it fr…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

whats the new name for swine flu?
Q: i heard on the news they were calling the swine flu H1 something. can you tell me the last part?
A: H1N1: hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). All influenza A viruses contain hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, but the structure of these proteins differs from strain to strain due to rapid genetic mutation in the viral genome.The Bad influenza virus is H5N1, this one not so bad. H5N1, I would be running to a store for a gas mask because were all going to die. No, really this one is nothing to worry about
Who will make the effort to rename the “Swine Flu” with its new name “H1N1 flu”?
Q: I will always refer to it as the “Swine Flu”. Renaming it is ridiculous! I think it would have better to just explain that it has nothing to do with pork and explain why it was labeled the “Swine Flu” in the first place.
A: I cannot understand why they call it Swine flu when it is nothing to do with pigs. It is an avian/human virus mix.Also every time a new flu starts it used to be simply called after the area it started in. (Asian flu, Red flu which started in Communist China) Why is this not just termed Mexican Flu? I had red flu it killed a lot of folk, I almost died with that one. Yet there was none of this fuss. Beulah
Where did the name Swine Flu Come From?
Q: I had heard that the flu was actually named for the doctor that discovered the flu strain and because it came from pigs. I read a post on ABC News and on Topix that talked about his name. Anyone know if this is true?
A: Named after my familyI have the SWINE FLU and bbbbbbboy my HAMSTRINGS hurt and my PORKBELLY aches. I’m so BOAR-ED. I hope the HAMBULANCE can take me to the hospital soon.That’s all folks!
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