What is the most common way to break your leg

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the most common way to break your leg”,you can compare them.

The most common cause of a leg fracture is trauma. Repeated stress to the bones, such as doing frequent heavy physical activities like sports, may result in stress fractures.Get your ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-common-way-to-break-your-leg ]
More Answers to “What is the most common way to break your leg
What is a common way to break your leg around the house?
I have broken a leg 11 times in the past 7 years. The first time was snowboarding, so not around the house. Second time was jumping off my roof, as the person above me said. I was stupid. Third time was falling down the stairs. Fourth time …
What are the most common ways to loose your leg in war??
Explosion that takes off the leg, bullet (if large enough or the right kind) can take off a leg, run over by some type of machinery like a tank, amputation due to injury or infection from a wound. In the north, frostbite can also cause you …

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What is a common way to break your leg around the house?
Q: Think like a teenage boy, what would be a way that he could break a leg at his house? What if there’s a pool? Could someone break their leg doing a skateboarding trick off a diving board or something? Also, can someone tell me specifics like what they broke in the leg, for instance, 2 ____ bones or whatever I mean I have no idea what any of this stuff is called and I need it for a story I’m writing for an assignment. So if you ever broke your leg can you tell me what you did and how exactly you broke it and how long you had your cast on and stuff? Also can you drive with a broken leg? (I’m assuming no but just checking haha) Thanks in advancei’m not trying to break my leg!!!!!!!!!!
A: I have broken a leg 11 times in the past 7 years. The first time was snowboarding, so not around the house. Second time was jumping off my roof, as the person above me said. I was stupid. Third time was falling down the stairs. Fourth time and fifth time were snowboarding. sixth time was wake boarding. seventh time was snowboarding. eigth time was falling from a balcony, again I was stupid. nineth time was snowboarding. tenth time was with a friend who dared me to jump into a lake and it was really shallow and i hit it on a rock. 11th was i was at home and i fell on a brick, where just below my knee hit the brick and snapped, it is the most painful way to break a bone. if you are looking to break your own bone, you think it would be cool until you do it, then you wish you hadnt. you are in a cast for 8+ weeks each time. My longest time was 5 and a half months. you cant move your leg, alot of people think they want to do it to be in a wheel chair, but surprise, you dont get a wheel chair. you get crutches, and they suck because you only have 1 foot to balance so you fall over ALL THE TIME. also if you tell people you broke your leg somehow stupid they will all know you did it and you wont look cool at all. dont break your own bones, it hurts like hell to break your leg, and it causes so many problems when your growth plates, then you need surgery sometimes, and it could even kill you if you break it wrong.
Is it common to break a leg in a car crash? How long does one typically have to stay in the hospital?
Q: My friend just told me this happened to her last night but she doesn’t know what to do or how long she needs to stay.I know everyone has different situations, but if you have similar stories of this, i would appreciate hearing them from you
A: There isn’t any real “typical” stay in the hospital following a motor vehicle accident. If she has only a simple broken leg, probably a few days, if she needs traction, it can be much longer. She should ask her doctor how long she is expected to stay. Nobody here knows her actual condition and the severity of her injuries.
Do you think it’s more common to just break a leg or to break & leg & dislocate another body part?
Q: I just recently broke my leg & dislocated my ankle. I was explaining to my boyfriend that it is more common to just break a leg versis actually doing damage to both bones. So that’s how this question came about. I’m just trying to prove that I’m right. :DNot sure which happened first, i assumed they both went at the same time. I was stepping on a fallen tree & it must have been slick & my ankle just gave way & down I went.
A: Depends what you were doing at the time you broke your leg. Did you break your leg, then dislocated your ankle, or dislocated your ankle and then broke you leg? You are correct one or the other is more common, not both at the same time,
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