What is the function of the function of the liver

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The liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile, which helps to break down fats, MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-function-of-the-function-of-the-liver ]
More Answers to “What is the function of the function of the liver
What Is the Function of Liver?
The liver is the largest organ in the body, about the size of a football. It is located under the diaphragm but on top of the stomach, right kidney and intestines. A normal, healthy liver is a…
How to Improve Liver Functions
First, it should be emphasized the liver is a very forgiving organ with an amazing ability for regeneration. Through a change of diet and performing liver flushes, or Glytamin suppository detoxifications, much can be done to eliminate galls…
How the Liver Functions
The liver is the largest organ in the body, located under the diaphragm to the right of the stomach. The liver is the only internal organ that is capable of regenerating itself. This vital organ…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I improve my liver function?
Q: I think I may have a sluggish/poorly functioning liver, because I have acne, I am fatigued a lot, I have digestion problems, I don’t tolerate fatty foods well, I am very sensitive to caffeine, I get headaches for unexplainable reasons, excessive body odor even though I shower every morning and wear deodorant, which all of those I have read are symptoms of a sluggish liver.What can I do to improve my liver function?
A: It sounds like you definitely have a very sluggish, slow liver. Our livers are the work horses of our bodies. I had breast cancer a couple of years ago, and when you take chemotherapy, it damages the liver to a certain extent. My naturopathic doctor told me that People/Me should clean out our Livers 2 (twice) a year. In the spring, so that we are healthy throughout the summer months, and then in the fall in October so we are as healthy as possible before the winter months come. There are many natural supplements at Health food stores & Drug stores. One that is very good is called Liver Flush, and it helps to detoxify the liver while promoting liver Tissue regeneration. There is also a supplement called Milk Thistle & the active ingredient in it is called Silymarin and this supplement also helps to regenerate new Liver cells within a month. When you take these supplements you only need to take them for One Month. This is all the time it takes to regenerate new Liver cells. So try to do this in April and October of each year and you will feel much better. You will have more energy, your acne will get better, you will Not have as many headaches. For your digestion problems, you should buy/get a bottle of Digestive enzymes and take 2 capusules before each meal. It really does help to digest your meals. As we get older our bodies do not make as many enzymes and it is much harder to digest all the food we eat. Salads/leafy greens, fruits and vegetables have tons of natural enzymes, but you did not mention if you eat alot of salads, or fruits or vegetables to get the enzymes naturally.
How can I make my liver function better?
Q: My recent blood tests have shown my liver to be functioning at an elevated level. I need antifungal meds that are somewhat toxic to the liver, but the doctor will not prescribe them to me because of the risk due to the elevated function.What can I do to bring my liver test results back to the normal/safe range that will allow me to take the pills I need?
A: If you have any diseases that have done some damage to the liver those diseaes or conditions should be treated.For example you have to refrain from taking alcohol.If you had certain diseases like hepatiis liver function can be affected.So you should meet a physician and find out the reasons for the elevation of those blood enzymes.
What can help with healthy liver function?
Q: I have a friend I love dearly who has hepititis C… are there any natural supplements available that help with liver function and overall health? Thanks to everyone in advance that takes the time to answer.
A: There are a few supplements that are reported to help with liver health, most commonly milk thistle and its derivatives. None of these effects have been proven by rigorous study.There are currently treatments for hepatitis C using interferon to suppress the replication of the virus and even allow the body to clear the infection. Treatment is difficult and there are profound side-effects, but it works in many cases.Other recommendations are to diet and exercise to prevent fat accumulation in the liver and absolutely avoid alcohol and other toxins which can accelerate cirrhosis.
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