What is the fastest way to get rid of a sunburn

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Lotions containing Aloe Vera are highly recommended and effective. You could even take the actual aloe from an aloe plant more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-fastest-way-to-get-rid-of-a-sunburn ]
More Answers to “What is the fastest way to get rid of a sunburn
i have very white skin, and get burned all the time. Use a little Aloe Vera on your burn, and it’ll disappear!
There is no immediate cure for sunburns, but the pain can be relieved by hydrating the skin. This is done by applying products containing aloe, vitamin E, or both. Vinegar is a remedy for the stinging sensation on a burn and any products wi…
Unfortunately, once you’re burned, you pretty much just have to wait for your body to heal. Your best bet is to wear sunscreen so that you don’t get burned in the first place, but I know it’s tough sometimes, and a lot of times you don’t …

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Q: I have a beauty photoshoot saturday night (beauty shoots are very close to your face) and I have sunburn blister on my nose, and there is one very small scab too, I need it gone enough to were they can cover it with make-up by saturday night, does anybody know the fastest way to get rid of it?Now understand this, I am not in pain, so please don’t post aloe vera.
A: Take no flush niacin (double dose only 1 day) and the blisters and redness will be gone.
What’s the fastest way to get rid of a sunburn?
Q: I know about aloe vera, but is there a faster way to (safely) get rid of a sunburn?
A: I know that you’ve probably heard the aloe vera thing A LOT…believe me…but it really does help if you keep reapplying it. If you store it in the fridge, it can give you more of a relief when you first put it on.Mix a half-water, half-vinegar solution and apply it to the burn with a spray bottle or soaked cloth. This will sting a little bit at first, but it definitely pulls the burning sensation out of your sunburn. I know it smells! But it really works!Ice packs (in small amounts of time) and cold cloths or compresses will also help to minimize the length of time that you have redness and should help with the swelling.Take lukewarm (room temperature) BATHS. Taking showers with too high of a water pressure could increase your pain. Taking a too-cold bath won’t help, and will make you freezing. And a too-hot bath runs the risk of burning you even more, or irritating the burn that you already have.Make sure that you drink PLENTY of water, in order to keep your body hydrated so you don’t develop a fever. If you do develop a fever, take an acetaminophen or an ibuprofen to help get rid of the fever and to minimize inflammation and swelling.If your sunburn is really bad and seems to be very painful, you may want to go see your doctor and get a prescriptive treatment.
What’s the fastest way to get rid of sunburn?
Q: I always seem to get a sunburn right before something big happens in my life. How do i get rid of it ASAP?
A: Unfortunately, once you’re burned, you pretty much just have to wait for your body to heal. Your best bet is to wear sunscreen so that you don’t get burned in the first place, but I know it’s tough sometimes, and a lot of times you don’t realize you’re at risk of burning (overcast days) until it’s too late. You can help your body heal from a sunburn more effectively by drinking lots of water and keeping your skin moisturized. Soothe the burned areas with Aloe Vera Gel (the natural kind with no chemicals added if you can find it), Noxema (smear it on for a few minutes before a shower), white vinegar, add baking soda, powdered milk or baking soda to a cool bath or wrap about 1/2 cup of oatmeal in cheesecloth or a washcloth and rubberband the top and toss it into the tub. Be sure not to make the water too hot since this can sap away moisture, and be sure to moisturize well while your skin is still damp.You can also rub a raw potato over the burn, soak a washcloth in a half and half mixture of milk and cool water and place over burned areas, or add a couple of drops (2-3) of lavender essential oil to 1 tsp of vegetable oil and smooth over burned skin.
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