What is the disease that Gary Coleman has

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the disease that Gary Coleman has”,you can compare them.

Gary Coleman suffers from a congenital kidney disease causing focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, leading to his small stature. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-disease-that-gary-coleman-has ]
More Answers to “What is the disease that Gary Coleman has
What disease does Andy Milonakis/Gary Coleman have?
Gary Coleman has a kidney problem, I’m not sure about Andy.
Is the kid in role models (the film) has the same disease as gary…?
No he is just fine. Just kind of short for his age. Poop, You’re a jerk. They asked a question out of curiosity, not to be a dick.
He most certainly did have kidney disease…. He was a role model for me when I was growing up because I have kidney disease myself. I was also short in stature and had chubby cheeks. I forgot what causes the short stature but the chubby ch…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is the kid in role models (the film) has the same disease as gary coleman?
Q: he seems short for his age which is 13 , maybe he is normal
A: No he is just fine. Just kind of short for his age.Poop,You’re a jerk. They asked a question out of curiosity, not to be a dick.
Does jason earls have Gary Coleman disease?
Q: because hes like 30 but looks 16
A: I don’t think he does, I just think he looks really young. In all the biographys there is nothing that says he has the disease, we would probally all know if he did. But I mean you never know, he does look SUPER young. :]
what disease does Webster or Gary Coleman have, why are they so small?
A: Coleman was born with a congenital kidney disease causing nephritis (an autoimmune destruction of the kidney), which halted his growth at an early age, leading to a notably small stature (4′ 8″) which became his most distinguishing feature.
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