What is the disease MRS

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I wasn’t able to find any results for a diease called MRS. MS is multiple sclerosis, which affects the brain and spinal cord. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-disease-mrs ]
More Answers to “What is the disease MRS
Can someone explain Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose’s disease??
We don’t know what disease she had. Probably, it was some sort of injury, like a broken bone, and they just gave her morphine to ease the pain and she became addicted. Her death was meant to symbolize Tom Robinson’s case. She won, but she l…
Of course she may. After all, it is presumed she had marital relations with her Governor husband. Yet he was having illicit sex over at least a decade with harlots. Harlots were of high-class charges. But that does not mean they were sexual…
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A: Sarah,I think you need to be doing your own homework. Grab your med-surg book, lecture notes, etc. and study hard. You could always form a study group if you are wanting to bounce ideas and solutions off each other.If you don’t learn the material, a patient will eventually pay the price.
In To Kill a Mockingbird, How does Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose die of disease?
Q: ANY help will suffice……but i prefer an elaborated answer about how it affected the characters and its significance to the work
A: Do your own homework and stop being so lazy.
Can someone explain Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose’s disease?
Q: After reading the book, i still didnt understand WHAT was her disease????? i know she was on morphine but why was she put on morphine??? and i dont understand the importance of her death!!! like it doesn’t have any meaning nor symbolizes anything! Anyone agrees??
A: We don’t know what disease she had. Probably, it was some sort of injury, like a broken bone, and they just gave her morphine to ease the pain and she became addicted.Her death was meant to symbolize Tom Robinson’s case. She won, but she lost. She was free from the morphine but it killed her. This is like what happened with Tom Robinson. Atticus and the others proved their case and that Tom was innocent, and even though he went to jail there was a good chance he wouldn’t be executed, but he died anyway. It’s like Atticus says, “It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” (pg. 112) He makes a similar quote when talking about Tom, saying he was “licked a hundred years before we started.”
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