What is the differences between a dwarf and midget

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology Definitions .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the differences between a dwarf and midget”,you can compare them.

Dwarfism is a small person or animal with disproportional limbs or features. A midget is small in stature with proportional limbs. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-differences-between-a-dwarf-and-midget ]
More Answers to “What is the differences between a dwarf and midget
A dwarf is a person of unusually small stature, especially one whose bodily proportions are abnormal. A midget is specifically a person of unusually small size who is physically well-proportioned. Midget is sometimes used offensively to ref…
A dwarf is a person who is very short but is in proportion all over body wise whereas a midget is small in height with shorter arms and legs and suffer with many ailments such as problems with joints and bones.
Most of the definitions above are correct but what is all this slavish adherence to political correctness. A popular ‘sport’ in Australia is dwarf throwing and the dwarfs volunteer for their role in it.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Question: What is the difference between a dwarf, a midget and a really short person?
Q: Answer: It doesn’t matter, because I point and laugh at all of them!Ha HaI love being tall…
A: haha funnytheres michael jordan, shaq, all those people laughing at YOU and calling YOU a midget, dwarf, and a really short person you ret@rded person! =)
Are there any differences between a Midget and a Dwarf? Or is it the same thing?
A: midget and dwarf as you put it are virtually one in the same,but to be correct, an dto not get your butt kicked the proper terminology is LITTLE PERSON!!!
What is the difference between a dwarf and a midget?
Q: Just wondering, I don’t mean it in a degrading manner either.Thanks!
A: well…i think a dwarf is a specific disease that a person is born with. and a (legal) midget is a person over the age of 18 who never surpasses 5 feet.i hope i’m correct, i also don’t mean this in a degrading manner.
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