What is the difference in symptoms between an allergy and a cold

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For a cold symptoms appear slowly and for an allergy they appear all at once. A cold will last about 7-10 days and allergy MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-difference-in-symptoms-between-an-allergy-and-a-cold ]
More Answers to “What is the difference in symptoms between an allergy and a cold
How can I tell the difference between a cold and allergy symptoms…?
Both may involve a stuffy or runny nose, but allergies are more likely to result in itching of the eyes, nose, throat, roof of the mouth, and ears. There is generally a watery clear nasal discharge, and there may be worsening of symptoms …
How do you know the difference between mountain cedar allergy sym…?
Yep, that’s almost assuredly “Cedar Fever”. The easiest way to tell is if a lot of other people are complaining of similiar symptoms (which right now they certainly are, myself included.) Of course, there’s always a chance that it…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you know the difference between mountain cedar allergy symptoms and those of the common cold?
Q: My sister lives in San Antonio, and the allergy count is really high. She has stuffy nose, red eyes, sore throat, and no fever. Is it safe to assume that she just has allergies, or is it a cold?
A: Yep, that’s almost assuredly “Cedar Fever”. The easiest way to tell is if a lot of other people are complaining of similiar symptoms (which right now they certainly are, myself included.) Of course, there’s always a chance that it’s a cold, but if her eyes are red because they’re itchy, then that’s most likely alergies.
What’s the difference in symptoms between a cold & allergies/sinuses?
Q: I believe I’m getting a cold b/c my husband caught it from a co-worker & now I’m starting off with the same sore throat. His eventually led to sinus congestion. I was just wondering if there was a quick fix to prevent it from getting worse b/c I have family in town & a friend coming in town over the weekend & don’t want to be sick. Also why is it when you lay down your throat hurts MUCH worse then & in the morning & is there a fix for this? Thanks for any info from drs or nurses!
A: You could start taking something over the counter (dayquil) to help with your symptoms. Your throat can hurt much more in the a.m. because of the drainage from your nasal cavity & sleeping with your mouth open because you are some-what stuffed up. Since you are on the way to feeling worse – you may just want to call your doctor and explain the situation- they may call in antibiotic & or decongestant. In the meanwhile drink A LOT of liquids!
how can i tell the difference in symptoms between allergies and a cold?
A: allergies will give you a cleary runny (lack of better terms) snot. colds or infections are usually a thicker, sometimes greenish color if it is an infection. both can cause sneezing and/or headaches. colds will usually last longer as an allergy will clear when the allergen is removed or gone. start with benedrly or a similar allergy med and see if it helps.
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