What is the difference between midgets and dwarfs

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The difference between the two terms is the word abnormally small which applies for a dwarf. A midget is just termed small. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-difference-between-midgets-and-dwarfs ]
More Answers to “What is the difference between midgets and dwarfs
Nothing. People Just Tend To Use Different Terms That Mean The Same Thing.
I will try not to offend any one but generally, “midget” refers to a person who is very short, but normally proportioned. “Dwarf” refers to a person with one of several varieties of a specific genetic condition called dw…
The terms midget and dwarf both refer to any adult human being, animal, or plant that is considerably smaller than the ordinary size of its species. Midgets usually have normal body proportions even though they are small, but dwarfs have ab…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there a difference between midgets and dwarfs?
Q: I heard that one has elbows and the oher doesn’t?
A: Dwarf is a person that didnt grow to its fullest height and got stuck in the middle could be the cause of improper bone structuremidget is a mini guy. from birth this human will only grow afew feet then stop
What’s the difference between midgets and dwarfs?
A: midgets are small and proportion but dwarfs are short and disproportion. if you wanted to see how they look like? go watch the lord of the ring. there are both midgets and dwarfs in the film.
SO then what is the difference between midgets and dwarfs?
A: I think it has something to do with whether their torso and head are proportionate to the rest of their bodies. I’m tired of hearing about all the politically correct “people first” language though. Call a duck a duck!I’m not saying short people are ducks………..I’m just saying that if you have a label, accept it and don’t force the rest of us to bend over backwards learning the correct terms. I do have a friend who is short……….I don’t know whether she’s a midget or a dwarf. She looks like an adult on short legs if that helps. : )
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