What is the cause of scabies

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Scabies: (n.) A contagious skin disease caused by a parasitic mite (Sarcoptes scabiei) and characterized by intense itching. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-cause-of-scabies ]
More Answers to “What is the cause of scabies
What are the causes of scabies?
Scabies Risk Factors. Scabies is found worldwide among people of all groups and ages. It is spread by direct contact with infected individuals and less often by sharing clothing or bedding. Sometimes whole families are affected. The mites t…
How do You Get Scabies?
A scabies infestation is caused by a microscopic, eight-legged creature called Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis, also known as the “human itch mite.” While easily treated, scabies is highly…
What are the symptoms of scabies?
It may take between four to six weeks for a person to develop symptoms of scabies after coming in contact with an infected person. In children younger than 2 years of age, the lesions caused by the mites tend to occur on the head, neck, pal…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can Scabies Cause bumps if they get into pubic area?
Q: Recently I Found out that my sister has scabies. She recently came back from London and the doctors told her she probably got them from her hotel over there. This Was four months ago and about two months ago i started itching really bad but mostly in my pubic area. then i started getting white bumps but I’m not sure if scabies has anything to do with the bumps. Can you help?
A: If it’s only in your pubic area it could be crabs though, I suggest you use web MD today and consult your physician tomorrow.
Can a serious infestation of scabies in a cat cause paralysis?
Q: My mom’s 13 year old tom cat has scabies which we are treating with sulfur shampoo. He has developed what appears to be a mild paralysis in the back legs, too. He has a swagger to his walk that was never there before the infestation. He has trouble standing for very long and sits down rather hard. Sometimes he lifts and shakes his front paws as if to wake up his feet the way humans do when their legs fall asleep to get the circulation going again.
A: Your cat may have developed a secomdary infection from these mites- it can make the lymph nodes enlarged- but I am not sure that would lead to an odd walk. Is it possible that he has gotten injured- or has he been felv/fiv tested- he most likely got the mites from contact with another outside kitty-
Can scabies cause wart-like spots on the penis?
A: No dude, Genital Warts cause wart like spots on your member. Go get it checked out the earlier you treat it the easier it is to get it to go away.
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