What is the cause of multiple personality disorder

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the cause of multiple personality disorder”,you can compare them.

Dissociative identity disorder is often the result of severe physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse during childhood. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-cause-of-multiple-personality-disorder ]
More Answers to “What is the cause of multiple personality disorder
What is the causes of multiple personality disorder?
Stress. It is an effort to confront situations that the current personality is not capable of handling.
What are some causes of multiple personality disorder?
Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), belongs to the class of Identity disorders in the DSM-IV (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition). It is caused when extreme levels of s…
Is it possible to cause multiple personality disorder in dogs??
Dogs are pretty simple, as you stated. With that said, I don’t think you could actually cause the dissociative disorder known as multiple personality in dogs. The cause of that disorder in humans is major trauma – in dogs, if you caused the…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it possible to cause multiple personality disorder in dogs?
Q: I’m aware that their minds are very simple, but its obvious to me that dogs have personality. Please, ppl, don’t freak out on me, OK? I’m not interested in causing the disorder, I just want to know if its possible. Simple morbid curiosity, thats all.
A: Dogs are pretty simple, as you stated. With that said, I don’t think you could actually cause the dissociative disorder known as multiple personality in dogs. The cause of that disorder in humans is major trauma – in dogs, if you caused them harm, abused them or in any other way caused major trauma, they would react one of two ways – they would either fear people or become incredibly aggressive towards them.Ever watch Animal Cops on Animal Planet? You’ll see exactly what I mean there. Some dogs that have been mistreated (even intentionally abused) turn absolutely vicious – with good reason. Some simply cower and try to hide from humans and avoid all contact completely. I don’t think it would be possible to actually make their personality split into separate personalities.
What causes multiple personality disorder?
Q: I don’t have it nor do anyone I know has it.I am just curious what sort of trauma or whatever causes a multiple personality disorder?
A: Trauma is usually the result of abuse as a child (as DID develops during childhood). Some children may be genetically predisposed to DID and abuse may be the trigger.There is documentation of the mental and sexual abuse I had gone through as a child, but I don’t remember anything before the age of eight because of my DID – which was the only thing that helped me get through all the abuse.I have never heard of DID being the result of stress or a child’s wild imagination, like Gypsy says – DID is rare, but those who have it and have not suffered through a great deal of abuse during childhood are even more rare.
Do you think that Y!Answers is a cause of Multiple Personality Disorder?
Q: Many of my contacts have multiple accounts with different names and personalities. Should I be concerned for them?
A: Some of us have family on here,Hence a different account for different answers topics,Don”t tell me you don’t appreciate the fact that I can answer you honestly on this account.Don’t be concerned enjoy the fact they are showing you who they really are’
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