What is the best way to treat acne

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Zenmed, Clearpores and ProActive, among other medicines, have been proven to be effective. A change of diet may also help. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-treat-acne ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to treat acne
The best way to treat acne is by applying a cream or ointment with a drying agent like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
The inflammation of the sebaceous glands leading to visible pimples (acne) can be caused by a number of factors: irritation, environment, hormone fluctuations, heredity, bacteria and dirt. There are some steps to try to combat acne outbreak…
I have been to many dermatoligists and almost all of them say to wash your face every morning and night with mild soap like Dove. The harsh cleansers that you can buy at the grocery store will just strip your skin of its natural, healthy oi…

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How is the best way to treat acne?
Q: I have been getting acne on places like my back, what is the best way to avoid and treat that?
A: I personally use Tea Tree Oil because it is well-known for its drawing properties, meaning it draws the infection (the pimple) out. I also use it on my acne regularly because it reduces the redness within hours of putting it on, and it works amazingly on my pimples to keep them away. It’s very safe and doesn’t hurt at all.. It is 100% natural with no “fake” additives in it or anything like that… Best of all it is cheap and easy to find, such as at Walgreens (if you have one around), or at stores that sell health-foods and natural medicines. It is a very common home remedy and is very handy in medicine cabinets or First Aid Kits because it is a “cure-all” meaning it is not just for one thing in particular, it can help with many things. I use it, and I love it. ProActiv didn’t work for me, and nothing else really has either.. but this stuff has pretty much done the trick.Goodluck 🙂
What is the best way to treat Acne?
Q: What is the best, healthy and economic way of treating Acne problems when you are 19?I’m Vegetarian i and i always eat healthy food so i know for sure the problem doesn’t have to do with anything i eat or don’t eat.I think my problem is hormonal. What is the best way to treat the problem?
A: i had acne and i tried everything from clearasil to proactiv and nothing worked, i mean, it would go for a week or two and then come back as bad as ever. so i went to my GP and they prescribed me with Zineryt. it is actually the ONLY thing which has ever properly worked, i’ve been using it for just under a year now and i have no spots or blemishes, although i do have dry skin but daily moisturising does the trick.don’t hesitate to see your doctor or gp because once you get a prescription that’s right for you, you’re skin will be clear for the rest of your life :)good luck
What is the best way to treat acne? to know the best way to treat it that won’t cost a lot of money?
Q: I have acne and I want to know the best way to treat it in which I don’t have to spend a lot of money and I want to get results that won’t cause my skin more problems.I have already tried Proactiv Solution and it doesn’t work for me.
A: One inexpensive thing to try is changing your diet. Some recommendations are:- eat fewer fatty foods, especially trans fats. Trans fats are hydrogenated oils that are in a lot of fast food and junk food, such as Oreos and fried foods- eat more protein, mostly found in meat, but also in tofu and lentils- eat less grains, i.e. bread, spaghetti, pizza. This and eating more protein has helped many friends of mine with their skin- don’t have chocolate or coffee. These are not proven to have any relation to acne, but some doctors think certain people have skin reactions when they eat or drink a lot of it.I hope this helps! You’ll have to experiment and see what works for you! Best of luck to you.
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