What is the best way to cure a cold

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Drinking plenty of liquids can help. Water, juice, clear broth or warm lemon water with honey helps prevent dehydration. ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-cure-a-cold ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to cure a cold
What is the best way to cure colds?
i found, that one of the best ways to cure colds is used by a tribe in Africa. stick, even though this is grosse, stick camel dung up your nostrils. if you dont have a camel, use horse ecomatter!
How to get rid of a cold.
・ 1 When you feel a cold coming on just got to Trader Joes and buy some emergen-C packets and airborne. ・ 2 Next, take three packets of emergen c a day and three airborne a day. I promise you’ll feel a lot better.
How to Cure a Cold
No body likes to catch a cold. Luckily, it’s usually easy to tell when one is coming on, and it IS possible to stop that nasty rhino virus in its tracks!

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Best way to cure cold in a day?
Q: Sore Throat, Stuffed nose, Headache.What should I physically do? Rest or sit or what?
A: You’re not going to cure it in a day, but you can make it go away faster and lessen the symptoms.I know everybody says this, but it’s really important to drink water (like a gallon in a day). Doing this keeps the snot and muccous thinner than it would normally be if you didn’t drink a lot of water. Thinner mucous is easier to break down and eliminate, which you want your body to do. Keeping that junk thin also helps prevent it from festering and developing a secondary (bacterial) infection.Take lots of Vitamin C, too, but not from orange juice or from any other kind of juice, as fruit juice is full of sugar and can compromise your immune system. Get the vitamin C pills from the store and take the full recommended dose three times a day.
what is the best way to naturally cure a cold?
Q: how do you naturally cure a cold???
A: Hot liquids, keep worm with double clothes,thick woolen socks(very important as colds go trough your feet), plenty of Vit.C (500mg) 3x p/d, zinc supplement and some Echinacea, Astragalus and Andrographis to rise your immunity levels.
What is the best way to cure a cold in a day?
Q: I have time trials tomorrow for my school’s swim team, and I feel horrible right now. I am very sore, have a headache, and have a sore throat. What’s the fastest way to help this for swimming tomorrow?
A: Take a long hot shower to ease the soreness, drink a cup of chamomile tea (for the headache) with lots of raw honey and fresh organic lemon juice (for the sore throat), and go straight to bed.Best of luck tomorrow.
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