What is the best way to break a foot

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best way to break a foot”,you can compare them.

I’m not sure that it’s the best or even a good way, but slamming your foot into something hard enough will break it. ChaCha on. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-break-a-foot ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to break a foot
What is the best way to cure athletes foot?
Hi Alycatt, Athletes foot is a fungal infection that is usually around and in-between your toes. It will look like your skin is peeling. It is very itchy and may have a “burning” feel to it. If you have athlete’s foot you can find…
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What is the easiest way to break your foot?
Q: I broke my foot three years ago in a car accident and it has never quite healed. I have been told that if I was to break it again that the could fix it. So how can I do that and with the least amount of pain?
A: Make your ankle fall in a whole, where your ankle falls in and lands/twisted inward hoping the lateral ligaments and post ligaments are broken. Hoping the nerves got damage too, so you wont feel any or less pain. This is one way you can do it. If you dont damage the nerve. Dont do it, its very painful.
best Way to break a foot or leg?
Q: any answer will do
A: sit on your bed with your leg at a 45 degree angle going down with your heel touching the floor. (Lay down so that you don’t see this happen) Have your friend step on your leg as hard as they possible can. Or have them jump off the bed and land on your leg. It won’t take very much for it to break, and your leg will probably need surgery, screws, the whole sha-bang.
I broke a 3 foot tall frosted lucite statue into three pieces, What`s the best way to glue it back together?
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A: Industrial ether a flammable volatile solvent linked to cancer melts then glues as it evaporates some plastics invisibly. If the sculpture is an important piece restoration best left to professional restorer or the pieces value may be radically diminished.
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