What is tendenitis

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Did you mean tendinitis? Tendinitis is inflammation or irritation of a tendon (a cord that attaches muscle to bone). ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-tendenitis ]
More Answers to “What is tendenitis
Tendinitis Definition Tendinitis is the inflammation of a tendon, a tough rope-like tissue that connects muscle to bone. Description Tendinitis, also spelled ‘Tendonitis’, usually occurs in individuals in middle or old age because it is oft…
Your health care provider will give you a thorough physical examination and may take x-rays and other diagnostic tests.
Tendons are tough fibrous bands of tissue that connect muscle to bone. In order for your body to move, the muscles must contract or shorten and pull on the bones. The tendons help to create this…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can you get rid of tendenitis in your knees?
Q: I have problems in both my knees, i have been told that it is tendenitis but i think now it might be because i have weak ankles. Any suggestions?
A: these are excellent links http://symptoms.webmd.com/default.htmhttp://health.discovery.com/tools/center/dc/tools.htmlhttp://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/clients/haz/general/custom/default.jsp
What excersize would be good to lose wieght but you have scoliosis of the spine and tendenitis in feet?
Q: I am over weight and I need to lose about 50 lbs.Though I’ve tried different excersizes but they hurt me.Is there excersize you can do if you have scoliosis of the spine,tendenitis in feet and ankles,plus carpaltunel in both hands.I just want to try to make these parts of my body to feel better and lose weight at the same time.HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!
A: Hey Angie! I too have many physical challenges. I won’t go into them all, but my spine has a C-curve and I also have degenerative osteoarthritis. Ouch! I have found the best exercise for myself to be water aerobics. Also just being in the water, moving around, gentle swimming (no Olympic training now!) gives me a good warm up and cool down as well as just making me FEEL better. Also, PT can be very good for all your problems, but I can’t promise it won’t occasionally hurt a bit. A good physical therapist can also recommend good low impact exercises. Angela, I am so happy to know you are doing this. It is another sign of growth and determination to take back. I too am going through attempting to lose some weight. So far I have lost about 30lbs. YEAH FOR ME! I still have about 70lbs to go so girl you’ll get there before me! I wish many many blessings on you. I’m very very proud of you as well. If you don’t lose the weight quickly or at all for that matter, don’t you go thinking you’ve failed. This sure isn’t the first time for me or anybody else trying to lose weight. Remember, E-mail me anytime! Love ya – [email protected] (LOL)
What can I take for tendenitis in my elbow?
Q: At times it gets stiff and I cant bring my arm up to my chess. any help would be greatly appreciated
A: jronnie 2, I had “Tennis Elbow” in both Joints, I know what you’re Straddling, mine got so Inflamed that I had to have Surgery on Both Elbows, Anti-inflammatory Meds. help, but as long as you continue to use your Elbows Laboriously, it would only Prolonged the Agony. Consult a Orthopedic Surgeon if you can, the Name of the Surgery is…”Epicondyle Release”I’m OK now cause I did.
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