What is tapeworms

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A tapeworm is a flatworms parasite that can be found in the intestines of vertebrates. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-tapeworms ]
More Answers to “What is tapeworms
A tapeworm is an organism that is transferred to the digestive system of a human through fecal-oral contact. A tapeworm infection is usually caused by poor hygiene and infection is transferred…
A tapeworm is a flat segmented worm that attaches itself to the inside of its host’s intestine. They become a matter of great concern when that host is your beloved pet! Tapeworms consist of a head, with suckers, a neck and a body of multip…
no see aa doctor on this one at least for a diagnosis study nutrition big time for your health for your life here is a bit on protein Protein YOUR body is largely made of protein: your skin, muscles, internal organs, nails, hair, brain, and…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: During the weekend, my husband and I discovered that my dog has tapeworms. I read that the segments that come out of a dogs rectum (sorry I know it’s gross) is basically a pouch full of tapeworm eggs. I immediatly started picturing thousands of tapeworm eggs in my carpet! I also read these eggs are not infectious to humans at that stage and only become infectious when a baby flea eats these eggs. However, my dog got one of these “segments” on the bed yesterday before we gave her her medicine. I told my husband about it, but while I was in the shower he laid our 5 month old daughter almost right where I had found it! Everything I have read says that a person can only get tapeworms if they swallow infected fleas, but I can’t get the image of my baby having tapeworms out of my head! If anyone knows if this is true or not, I would really appreciate the advice!We have no fleas in the house, and the dog has been treated. I just need to know the risk of imfection to my daughter!
A: http://www.drgreene.com/21_205.htmlthis was the best information i could find I hope it helps ypu.good luck
Is it safe to treat tapeworms in a nursing female dog, will it hurt the puppies?
Q: I know it will be safe to treat the female dog for hookworms & roundworms, but I am not completely sure about tapeworms. The daddy dog has tapeworms and if he has them then I am sure the mom does too. I will be giving her Happy Jack Tapeworm tablets, is it safe for the puppies? Should I treat them too? They are 2 weeks old.
A: I don’t know anything about that particular product, but any product with fenbendazole as the active ingredient given three days in a row will kill tapeworms, and is safe for nursing mothers. Just read the active ingredients. You want fenbendazole. Don’t use praziquantel on a nursing mother unless your vet tells you to and supervises it. Use the fenbendazole in a three day cycle to kill the tapeworms.Don’t treat the puppies at this point. You can give them pyrantel products for round worms and hookworms from two weeks on, but I don’t think any tape worm product is used at two weeks. Hopefully, the fenbendazole product you use will pass through the milk enough to kill any parasites the pups have.Read labels and buy a product with fenbendazole. Then follow the directions on the package for dosing.
How long do cat tapeworms live?
Q: I saw these weird white things so I took my cat to the vet. It turns out she has tapeworms. By the way, our cat doesn’t have fleas, the vet checked. Anyways, I was just curious about how long a single adult CAT tapeworm can live inside a cat. I heard that human tapeworms can live 20-30 years!
A: Hopefully you will have gotten medicine to get rid of the tapeworms. Otherwise, you could get them too. Tapeworms can last indefinitely, feeding off your kitty. This is bad for your kitty!. One of the 9 cats we adopted had tapeworms, and it stunted her growth drastically until we took care of the problem. Once you have given her all of the medication, the tapeworms will be gone and will not come back unless you let her outside and she goes and feeds off of whatever she ate to give her the tapeworms the last time. This is a good argument for keeping kittys inside….
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