What is swine flu and how does it affect the body

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Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza virus that regularly causes MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-swine-flu-and-how-does-it-affect-the-body ]
More Answers to “What is swine flu and how does it affect the body
What systems of the human body does the swine flu affect??
In extreme cases, all of them. The center of the swine flu viruses’ attack is the respiratory system. Depending upon the degree of oxygen deprivation this might cause in the severe cases, all other systems can be affected by this lack of ox…
How does swine flu infect the body?
All viruses follow the same basic steps referred to as the lytic cycle. First the Flu, or Swine Flu in this case, enters the body through close contact with an infected person (nose, mouth, eyes or breaks in the skin) LYTIC CYCLE: ・ Step …
How does swine flu enter the body?
the swine flu can enter the body through skin to skin contact and by airborn{so you inhale it}

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

My parents are making me get the swine flu shot How do i make them understand i dont want that in my body?
Q: I would not prefer that in my body, what are the long term affects? no one knows so yea im friggen nervous about it. i think im old enough to make my Decisions by now and sure they love me for it. but i prefer to not get it. I’m injecting this illness into Me! yea no thanks. any good reasons or arguments i could perhaps get them to understand why i shouldn’t get this?
A: The H1N1 virus hits young people hardest, and as a teenager you are a prime “target” for the virus to hit you hard. The vaccine IS NOT “giving you the illness”. That’s a crock! There is a lot of paranoid ranting going on. A RARE case of a bad side effect will hit the news and before long people are getting nervous and down right paranoid. Since kids are at high risk for the H1N1 virus making them sicker than somewhat older adults, I would cooperate with your parents and take the vaccine. And kids your age can get the nasal mist form…..no poke in the arm! Please do not fight your parents on this one. Save your arguments for changing your curfew time. Your health is too important to argue with them over the vaccine.Don’t fall for the paranoid rants you will find here and elsewhere.
How is the “Swine” flu killing people?
Q: I am 23 year old healthy female who is 38 weeks pregnant. On October 1, I contracted the ‘swine’ flu. It lasted 4 days (the worst part), I sought treatment on the second day of symptoms, and am not 100% better. My 14 month old daughter also caught a flu, presumably mine, and her symptoms were not as severe as mine, they were mild – moderate, but she survived and is okay now. My question is, what exactly are people dying from? Why did the swine flu not affect us in a worse way? It seemed just like a severe form of the flu, worst part was the body aches and weakness, and tiredness. I read that pregnant woman are dying a lot from it too. Why is this? Why are people dying? Are me and my daughter in the clear of dying from the swine flu now? Thanks for any answers.
A: It’s not anymore deadly then the seasonal flu. More people die every year from the seasonal flue. It’s just hysteria that people are thinking that it’s deadly. Mind you, it’s just one mutation away from being deadly especially if someone who has the avian flu happens to catch the swine flu at the same time and they trade genes as flu viruses do. The swine flu has already mutated 90 times since the start of the Pandemic and by this time next year it will have mutated enough that the current vaccine won’t work against it and they’ll have another vaccine for us but it’ll be mixed in with the seasonal flu shots so we’ll only get one jab.The big deal about the swine flu is that there’s no natural immunity to it in the population as it’s a completely new flu strain which is why it’s called H1N1 Novel.People are dying from complications usually related to underlying health problems. That’s why people with chronic conditions are a priority for the shots. Too bad the media hasn’t told us “high priority” groups where we should register for the shots. I’ll bet it’ll just be like the seasonal flu where whoever pays the most gets the shot and the high priority people are the last to get them. Every-time I’ve called my Doctor or Cardiologist about a flu shot in the past, they haven’t received any, yet corporate programs and supermarkets get them right away. The only way I’ve been able to get shots in the past is to line up with the low priority people.Yes, you and your daughter are now immune to this year’s swine flu. Think of it this way, you’ve both have had a full strength live vaccine instead of a weakened or inactivated one.Remember that you’re still contagious up to seven days after the symptoms so don’t go running around telling everyone you’re better.
Swine flu and auto-immune conditions?
Q: I have ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura) and just wondering how swine flu might affect me. I was taking prednisolone for 5 months, but was tapered off it and stopped taking it 3 months ago.If you come into contact with it or catch it, will your body just create antibodies to fight swine flu, or will it stimulate the whole immune system, meaning that it fights swine flu, but also generates more of the antibodies that munch through platelets?I’m already following all the usual common sense advice, washing hands, using a tissue, carrying on life as normal etc – I’m not worrying about dying from swine flu, I’m more concerned about how it might affect my platelet count, given that it was at 68 six weeks ago and is dropping (I think I’m below 50 now). I really don’t want to go back on the steroids if I can possibly avoid it!Bek I think you have misunderstood – I’m not worried about the symptoms of swine flu, especially if at worst it’s just a bad cold. What I am concerned about is it crashing my platelet count and me having a spontaneous brain haemmorrhage. I am just as annoyed about the unnecessary panic amongst healthy people as the next person.
A: The main risk was the Presnisolone you were taking as it results in a suppressed immune response, meaning you are at an increased risk of infections. It’s good you have been tapered off them. Swine flu is a viral infection and just like any other viral infection if a patient with ITP catches swine flu, it can drop the platelet count. Just keep an eye out for any change in the pattern of bleeding or bruising. And as might happen with all viral infections there may be a increase or suppression of the white cell count and some might find they have a drop in haemoglobin. If you think you have come into contact witih swine flu and/or start developing symptoms then as your GP for Tamiflu. There is no evidence that Tamiflu should adversely affect the ITP.
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