What is Staph bacteria

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Staph is the shortened name for Staphylococcus a bacteria that can live harmlessly on many skin surfaces. When the skin is MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-staph-bacteria ]
More Answers to “What is Staph bacteria
Staph is a “family” of bacteria. Some are deadly, some not. Everyone carries Staph aureus on their skin. A drug-resistant (but treatable) form, “MRSA” is becoming more common.
Where is the Staph bacteria found?
Staph is a common germ carried on the skin and in the nose of healthy people. Approximately one-third of people carry the Staph bacteria without ever developing symptoms of skin infection or illness. Overall, only one in 100 people carry MR…
What Staph bacteria is called mrsa?
MRSA (pronounced mur-saa) just made the news today. It was discovered in two public schools. It’s a type of bacterial infection that is usually associated with hospitals. People with compromised immune systems and otherwise healthy, can pic…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to remove the Staph bacteria from an entire household?
Q: If a person has external Staph wound to were they can spread throughout your house, how do you remove the bacteria
A: You cannot entirely remove staphylcoccus from your house (there are at least 60 strains of staphylococcus). In fact, staph lives in huge numbers on your skin, where it’s generally harmless unless it gets into a cut or unless you’re immunocompromised (i.e., HIV, undergoing chemotherapy).A wound with staphylococcus should be diagnosed by a physician (the wound will be cultured to see what strain it is) and the physician should give treatment steps that would probably include oral and topical antibiotics. The physician may recommend the dressing be changed on a regular schedule and that the person changing it wear gloves. The gloves and dressing should be bagged and discarded.This is all very general information and your true Answer may depend on what type of staph infection the person has. Some types, such as the MRSA (drug-resistant staph) that has been in the media lately, can require more precautions.
After a staphylococcal infection with a clindmycin 6-day treatment, do I still have staph bacteria on my skin?
Q: I had an abscess, went to ER where the doctor made an incision and drainage. I got a prescription for Clindamycin 300 mg 24 capsules to take 4 times/day. Now, my question is do I still have staph-bacteria on my skin?
A: The bacteria are likely still present on your skin. All of us have staph species on our skin. The problem in an abscess is that too many bacteria got through your protective barrier and were multiplying too fast for the body to control it. Clindamycin does not KILL these bacteria, it is called a BACTERIOSTATIC antibiotic, which means that it slows or halts the multiplication of the microbes. This allows the immune system to catch up and kill off the bacteria causing all the trouble.The other major curative is incision and drainage of the abscess. Without I+D, most abscesses will not get better. There is a very long explanation for why this is, but the bottom line is that the drainage brings the bacterial count down and the presence of oxygen slows (and sometimes kills) the bacteria.If you are wondering if you are infectious, it is not likely. All people have staph species on their skin and have a potential to get it if they have cuts, etc. The most common sufferers of repeat infections from skin bacteria are those who inject often (like diabetics or IV drug users). Good sterile technique will avoid this problem.
Since the staph bacteria exist around our chins and noses, would it be more likely?
Q: Would it be more likely to develop a staph infection on your chin if there were an open sore or acne on that spot? Also, once infected, can symptoms show up in other parts of the body?
A: Staphylococcus bacteria(several different types) do exist on the skin and not just around our chins & noses. An open score increases the risk of infection from many infectious agents.Acne is already an infection. If infected, symptoms may show up in other parts of the body if severe. This depends on several factors (immune function, location in the body, wound care).
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