What is sickle cell disease

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is sickle cell disease”,you can compare them.

Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that affects red blood cells, the blood cells have mostly hemoglobin. More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-sickle-cell-disease ]
More Answers to “What is sickle cell disease
Sickle cell disease, also called sickle cell anemia, is a hereditary problem (you inherit it from your parents). It causes a type of faulty hemoglobin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen in the blood. Sickle cell anemia commonly a…
Sickle-cell in an ifection in your body. So if you get to hot or to cold your body reactes in a wierd way then you faint. The best thing to do is to keep right not to hot or not to cold.
Sickle cell disease is an inherited disease that affects more than 80,000 people in the United States, 98 percent of whom are of African descent.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long did the oldest person with sickle cell disease live?
Q: I know as years come and go new studies of new medicines and things have been brought to surface. But I would like to know what was the oldest person with sickle cell disease age. When I was younger it was said that I wouldn’t make it pass a certain age. But as I got older things have changed so I’m just wondering.
A: my uncle is 44 and he has sickle cells but he is still alive i have a cousin who is 20 he has sickle cells its its been hard for him every so often he has a serious health problems. they both were told they wouldnt live to be the age they are now. take care of urself, and dont let anyone tell u how long u will live, try to prove them wrong.
Compared with normal hemoglobin, the hemoglobin of a person with sickle cell disease?
Q: a.is longer.b.is shorter.c.has a different sequence of amino acids.d.is wider. People who are heterozygous for sickle cell disease are generally healthy becausea.they are resistant to malaria.b.they usually have some normal hemoglobin in their red blood cells.c.their abnormal hemoglobin usually doesn’t cause their red blood cells to become sickle shaped.d.they do not produce abnormal hemoglobin.
A: b. is shorterSickle cell causes red blood cells to become deformed causing their oxygen carrying capacity to be lower than a normal person. This causes health related issues with the person thus lowering lifespan.c. their abnormal hemoglobin usually doesn’t cause their red blood cells to become sickle shaped.A person with sickle cell has a homozygous recessive genotype which is (aa) . A heterozygous (Aa) does not sickle the cell, but it does lower hemoglobin’s oxygen carrying capacity compared that to a normal person with a homozygous dominant genotype of (AA).Thought I edit in the explanations hope it helps.
what are the chances of getting sickle cell disease?
Q: if the father has normal blood and if the mother is a carrier of sickle cell, what are the chances of their kid (boy or girl) getting the disease?
A: 0%. You have a 50% chance of being a carrier, but no chance of having the full disorder.
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