What is short term memory

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is short term memory”,you can compare them.

Short-term memory is: A system for temporarily storing and managing information required to carry out complex cognitive MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-short-term-memory ]
More Answers to “What is short term memory
Short-term memory is defined as temporary storage of information for a few seconds to hours
short term memory is when you comprehend something for a short amount of time(usually about 20-30 min.) Whatever the cause or causes of forgetting over the short term may be, there is consensus that it severely limits the amount of new info…
Short term memory only lasts for a few seconds. Say you look up a phone number in a phone book, then you keep repeating it as you put down the phone book and you pick up the phone. You repeat the number over and over until you’ve finished d…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory compare to eachother?
Q: How do sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory compare to eachother?
A: they don’t. each represents a different type of memory, none connected to the other.
What is the difference between your short term memory and your long term memory?
Q: and how long is something in your short term memory before it gets transfered from the short term to the long term?
A: Short term memory and long term memory are associated with different sides of our brains.We use short term, for example when we look up a number in a phone book, we remember that number in our minds long enough to dial it but after a few minutes, we forget it.Long Term Memory is what we use to remember things like, the way to work, things we do every day, or in order to store certain information.For example im using my long term memory right now, since I was in a class about long term and short term memory long ago. Some of this information was stored on my mind but other data, like which side of the brain each memory works with, i was able to remember it for a while and then I forgot.
Is the evolutionary development of long term memory a by-product of short term memory?
Q: Or did it develop through adaption? Or neither? What are the current theories in regards to long term memory? I am aware of the recent discoveries regarding short term memory stored in neurons in which brain cells retrieve this memory when recollection is attempted (hope I said that right).
A: I personally don’t believe that long term memory has anything to do with evolution, but I do believe long term memory is not necessarily a by product of short term memory but a process which one goes through to obtain long term. I am currently taking a human physiology course at the moment so hopefully I can give a more detailed reason without sounding like I have no clue what i’m talking about.But good to see you still pop into Yahoo Answers Nautica. I almost gave up hope as to even attempt to come here and answer questions.
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