What is serotonin syndrome

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Serotonin syndrome occurs when you take medications that cause high levels of the chemical serotonin to accumulate in your body. Certain illicit drugs and dietary supplements also can cause serotonin syndrome. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-serotonin-syndrome ]
More Answers to “What is serotonin syndrome
Serotonin syndrome is a life-threatening drug reaction that causes the body to have too much serotonin, a chemical produced by nerve cells.
Serotonin syndrome is a disorder now recognised in patients taking selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs). This syndrome is more likely to occur if the patient has been exposed to two or more drugs that enhance serotonin release, …
Serotonin syndrome is a severe and potentially life-threatening illness caused when the body has abnormally high levels of serotonin, a chemical produced in the brain. The condition is most commonly caused when people who are taking certain…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do they say taking two different kinds of MAO inhibitors will cause serotonin syndrome?
Q: So I guess I justs don’t understand why it would be dangerous to take St. John’s Wort at the same time as 10 mg of Celexa… some people take 40 mg of Celexa so why is taking two different drugs that do the same thing going to cause serotonin syndrome where a bunch of the same does not.P.S. the reason I want to know is because I have bad anxiety and I don’t think the 10 mg of Celexa is working…I can’t afford to pay for a higher dosage; in fact I can’t really even afford what I’m trying so I want to try St. John’s wort and I’d rather not wait another month for Celexa to clear out of my system and have to have constant panic all day until then if I don’t have to.
A: So first off, you should know that Celexa is not a MAOI-it is an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor). This means that instead of serotonin being produced and immediately “broken down”, Celexa allows it to hang around longer by preventing it from being taken up and “recycled” too quickly. The reason you shouldn’t take St. John’s Wort and Celexa together is that they supposedly both work in the same way and cause an increase in the serotonin that is available. Too much serotonin can be a very bad thing (high blood pressure, alterations in consciousness, etc at the very least.)The reason why taking 40mg of Celexa isn’t the same is because that dose has been evaluated by researchers and the FDA and hasn’t been shown to produce levels of serotonin high enough to cause serotonin syndrome. So, to make a very long explaination as short as possible-DON’T take St John’s Wort. If cost of the Celexa is a problem, several pharmacies have begun pricing generic medications at $4 and generic Celexa is available at that price at a variety of pharmacies. Check around to find out which pharmacies in your area are participating-it will be better for you. Good luck
has anyone ever gotten serotonin syndrome from a SSRI?
Q: Just wondering how hard it is to get serotonin syndrome from a SSRI? so if your brain has enough serotonin and you take a anti depressant or ssri, cant you get it?
A: From just one? No. Serotonin Syndrome is pretty hard to get. Usually you see it in massive overdoses of SSRIs (>100x an individual dose or more) or from mixing in appropriate things with SSRIs. St. John’s Wort is notorious for this. Or combining an MAOI drug with an SSRI can cause it pretty readily.So no. You can’t get it like you’re asking. Serotonin Syndrome is when you go so far over the top with sertonergic substances that your brain’s internal mechanisms can’t handle it. And that threshold is quite a good distance out of what you can get to easily.
What Exactly is Serotonin Syndrome?
Q: I am on the anti depressant Lexapro, and I also have been taking Percocet 10mg every 6 hours for a back injury. I have heard this can cause Serotonin syndrome. What is that?I thought that was when two anti depressants are taken together, not A pain medication like percocet. I dont understand how percocet could raise serotonin levels in the brain. Its probally a false statement that I’ve heard. Anybody know what this syndrome is?Also, my doctor said “No” but I have seen on the internet oxycodone could raise serotonin. Unless I read something wrong. I know not everything online is true.
A: Try this site: http://www.uspharmacist.com/oldformat.asp?url=newlook/files/feat/acf2fa6.htmBut if your doctor isn’t worried, I’d trust him.
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