What is phlegm? What is phlegm

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The thick mucus secreted in the respiratory passages and discharged through the mouth, esp. that occurring in the lungs and MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-phlegm%3F-what-is-phlegm ]
More Answers to “What is phlegm? What is phlegm
How do you get rid of phlegm?
Hack it up and cough it out!
What is the difference between “mucus” and “phlegm…?
Usually, people do not distinguish between both expressions. Healthcare professionals often talk of “mucus” referring to the secretion that a healthy respiratory tract produces.
How do I get the phlegm out of my throat?
boil you some water, put some real lemon juice in a cup, pour hot water in like you are making tea, add a little sugar to taste and it should help. Also, sometimes I when you cough too hard then phlegm won’t come out either, try coughing ge…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: I think I have phlegm on my chest but I can’t cough it up? What can I do? I only sometimes have phlegm because I cough sometimes and theres no phlegm.
A: I’m not sure why you need to do anything. Are you short of breath? Are you wheezing? During this time of year, a lot of people have allergies which can cause post nasal drip. That can cause you to have some phlegm in your throat or even in your larger airways. It’s no big deal unless it is causing you a problem with breathing or you have a fever or pain. Keep yourself well hydrated. If your breathing is affected, go to a doctor. Otherwise, just cough when you need to and don’t worry about it otherwise.
Colours of the phlegm when infected by a virus or a microbe?
Q: Hello I heared from a doctor that the phlegm is different when you have been infected by a microbe,and different when you are infected by a virus,how can you tell the difference?I mean whats the color of microbe phlegm and whats the color of virus phlegm?thanksBy phlegm (I mean the nose’s stuff…you know hehe)
A: That’s correct, if your mucous or phlegm has a color, you have an infection, if it is clear it can just be a head cold or allergies. Once you see yellow or green it means infection. Normally but not always, yellow means a sinus infection, but it can vary.
my throat is sore and swollen like i have strep but i got no phlegm and my ears are not clogged?
Q: it is just like i said.just like strep but no yellow phlegm in fact no phlegm at all.my ears don’t feel clogged.also i have no coughing.it just feels swollen and sore. it has been like this for about 4 days now.i am not allergic to anything that i am aware of.other symptoms is that my joints feel sore.
A: I think you have strep throat or Tonsillitis. Also you may have an ear infection if the pain is more on one side of the throat then the other. Joints hurting could be a fever? I would say take heavy night quil or some over the counter medicine for the rest of day and night. If it isn’t better by tomorrow it wont get better with going to the doctor or it might take weeks or turn into something worse. Also tylenol will help with the swelling and fever.
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