What is Myopia

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Myopia is the medical term for nearsightedness. It can’t be cured, but it can be corrected. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-myopia ]
More Answers to “What is Myopia
Myopia is a refractive defect of the eye in which light produces image focus in front of the retina when the sight adjustment is off balance. People with myopia see nearby objects perfectly, if not almost, clearly. Distant objects are blurr…
Myopia is defined as a vision condition in which objects in the far distance are not seen focused while objects in the near distance are seen focused
Definition Myopia is the medical term for nearsightedness. People with myopia see objects more clearly when they are close to the eye, while distant objects appear blurred or fuzzy. Reading and close-up work may be clear, but distance visio…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: In those days writers frequently discussed the effects of television on family life. However, a curious myopia afflicted those first observers: almost without exception the regarded television as favorabl, beneficial, indeed, wondrous influence upon the family”What does myopia mean?
A: It means shortsightedness. In this case, it means that the first observers did not see the whole picture of what was happening.
What is the difference between Myopia, Hyperopia and Emmertopia?
Q: What is the difference between Myopia, Hyperopia and Emmertopia?Thank you.
A: Myopia – Nearby objects are clear but far away objects are blurry. Either the eyeball has grown too long or the cornea is too steep.Hyperopia – Caused by an eye ‘imperfection’, usually if the lens is not round enough or if the eyeball is too short. Close up objects appear blurred.Emmetropia – A refractive condition where the vision is basically ‘perfect’ because the parallel rays focus correctly and accurately on the retina.Hope that helped! :]
How can I prevent myopia ( being nearsighted ) while doing close up work?
Q: My eyes are -1I read alot is there a way to prevent myopia while reading?Should I wear my glasses while reading/using the computer or not?Thanks x
A: Don’t wear your glasses for extended close work like reading or the computer, they are for distance.Then when at the computer , take very frequent breaks to just look around the room, or outside….and keep your monitor at least 28 inches away.
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