What is mono the illness

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is mono the illness”,you can compare them.

Mononucleosis is a common illness caused by the Epstein-Barr virus that can leave you feeling tired and weak for weeks or months. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-mono-the-illness ]
More Answers to “What is mono the illness
Should patients with the “flu-like” or “mono-like”…?
There are theoretical reasons why patients identified with HIV around the time they are first infected (primary, acute infection) may benefit from the immediate initiation of potent antiviral therapy. Preliminary evidence suggests that uniq…
What is this “mono” illness everybody’s talking about??
Mono is a disease that you can catch from sharing saliva. Basically, you can feel any of these symptons: constant fatigue fever sore throat loss of appetite headaches sore muscles larger-than-normal liver or spleen skin rash abdominal pain …
What is “Mono” in regards to illness??
Mono is a viral infection called mononucleosis. It is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, and causes fever, sore throat, swollen glands, fatigue and weakness. Since it is a virus, there is no cure, so you can only treat the symptoms to make y…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is this “mono” illness everybody’s talking about?
Q: I know it’s short for something. But what is it? How do you get it? What happens?
A: Mono is a disease that you can catch from sharing saliva. Basically, you can feel any of these symptons:constant fatigue fever sore throat loss of appetite headaches sore muscles larger-than-normal liver or spleen skin rash abdominal pain People who have mono may have different combinations of these symptoms, and some may have symptoms so mild that they hardly notice them. Others may have no symptoms at all.But to really know whether you have mono or not, you’ve got to go to the doctors, what they will do is probably give you some blood tests etc. they will tell you to drink plenty of water and rest – a lothowever, there is no cure to it, though it wil get better itself in about 3-4 weeks time.
Is there an illness that test positive for mono?
Q: So i’ve been tired my whole life right?, and so I go to the doctor’s and he takes my blood and says he’ll do some tests. So only some of the tests came back(he said some will take 2 weeks,) and so he says I have mono. And I know you can have mono and not have any symptoms but being tired, but come on I’ve been tired my whole life. Personally I think it’s B.S
A: If it came back as mono you have mono.You prolly have CFS and should talk to your dr about it as well.Look at webmd.com for mono and CFSOr it you still think its BS go get a 2nd and 3rd opionin.
What is “Mono” in regards to illness?
Q: Often on american tv and movies the term “mono” comes up as an illness or affliction but what is it?
A: Mono is a viral infection called mononucleosis. It is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, and causes fever, sore throat, swollen glands, fatigue and weakness. Since it is a virus, there is no cure, so you can only treat the symptoms to make yourself feel better. Many people call it the “kissing virus” because it can be passed through the saliva and is more common in teenagers than adults.
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