What is it called when you starve yourself

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Anorexia nervosa: an eating disorder primarily affecting adolescent girls and young women. A pathological fear of becoming fat. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-it-called-when-you-starve-yourself ]
More Answers to “What is it called when you starve yourself
What is it called when you are really skinny and starve yourself??
Anorexia is when someone refuses to eat enough food to sustain themselves, forever trying to become skinnier. Untreated this can eventually lead to serious starvation and organ damage. Bulimia is similar. That is the condition where someone…
Are you pretentious enough to call yourself a starving artist??
No I don’t starve, I call my parents first and ask for money or I go to my brother for lunch and dinner.
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No, walking by a child on the edge of death when you have the means to help is not moral. But, lots of Christians give to Charities. I know that during Lent(Catholics) give alms to the poor, along with fasting and prayer. God does not requi…

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What is it called when you are really skinny and starve yourself?
Q: ok remember in the u.s there was a problem because people were sticking their finger down their throat and loosing all the vitamins in their body and getting really sick? what is that word called?
A: Anorexia is when someone refuses to eat enough food to sustain themselves, forever trying to become skinnier. Untreated this can eventually lead to serious starvation and organ damage.Bulimia is similar. That is the condition where someone eats normally, then induces vomiting right after the meal to avoid actually absorbing any of it. People have used everything from toothbrushes to fingers to drugs to do it. Aside from the usual risks of starvation, bulimics also often have problems with their teeth due to the stomach acid constantly being vomited up.Both are very serious eating disorders that individuals often need counselling to recover from.
How long do you have to starve yourself until metabolism slows?
Q: Say you have been eating around 800 calories for about a week or 2…if i decided to go back to normal eating would my metabolism be slow already? how can i speed it back up? dont call me anorexic either becuz im not
A: I did that and its not good. for like 2-3 weeks I ate very light, and when I went back to eating normal I weighed more then when I started
Is it bad to starve yourself?
Q: I exercise all the time but apparently its not good enough, I’ve been called fat and told that I need nutrisystem. I want to starve myself, but my mom says im not fat. I weigh 117 pounds!! and im only 13, and im 5’2
A: Yeah it’s bad. Just exercise and eat whatever you want
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