What is implation bleeding

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Implantation bleeding, a small amount of spotting, happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-implation-bleeding ]
More Answers to “What is implation bleeding
Sometimes your body doesn’t get the message that there is a baby starting to develop, so it will go about its business. Sometimes there is break-through bleeding,implantation bleeding//or spotting. This means that the embroyo is attaching t…
Implantation bleeding is the release of a small amount of blood as the embryo implants within the wall of the uterus. Since implantation occurs 10 days post conception, implantation bleeding is usually noticed at just about the time of or s…
Implantation bleeding is vaginal bleeding that occurs in some women during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Since so many women have unexplained spotting or light bleeding early in viable pregnancies, the theory is that harmless light blee…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

implation bleeding how soon after can i test and recive a postive?
Q: i believe yesterday morning i experienced implation bleeding it was light brown discarge that later turned to white discarge. how soon after can i test?
A: i totally agree with LoveB.. you need to grow up.. and if you are trying to have a baby.. learn how to spell.. implation(misspelled two times)= implantionpostive= positivediscarge(misspelled two times)= dischargeand learn how to use periods and comma’s… grow up little girl..
What is it period or implation bleeding?
Q: Well on june 11th i was expected to start my period it’s always on time like clock work, Well on the 15th i went to the rest room and noticed a light pink color on the t/p. After about 2 hours i felt wet down there(tmi)so went to check again, only this time i had a brown color this time. So is this my period coming late or could i be pregnant and just be having implantation bleeding?Oh and lately i have had lower back pains, i have been getting lightheaded ALOT, eatting more, brests are fuller and soar, i have been wanting to stay in bed past 3 in the afternoon, and certain smells make me sick.
A: Take a test…sounds like you could be pregnant. EPT is a good brand and if you get faint lines that leave you unsure about the positive result then get a digital pregnancy test.I hope you get the results that you want.
Why am i spotting is it because i am taking prometrium or is it implation bleeding?
Q: I only spotted for 3 days and it was really light could it be from the medicine or is it implantation bleeding and how can u tell the difference
A: This sounds like it is related to the Prometrium, but I would recommend checking with your doctor as well to see what they say.
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