What is hepatits A

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Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver and can have many causes, the most common of which is an infection w/ a hepatitis virus. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-hepatits-a ]
More Answers to “What is hepatits A
The word ” hepatitis ” means inflammation of the liver . Toxins, certain drugs, some diseases, heavy alcohol use, bacterial and viral infections can all cause hepatitis. Hepatitis is also the name of a family of viral infections t…
Hepatitis is a deadly disease caused from typhus
Hepatitis A is a serious liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). HAV is found in the stool of persons with hepatitis A. It is usually spread by close personal contact and sometimes by eating food or drinking water containing HA…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How soon can someone start exhibiting symptoms of HEPATITS C?
Q: How soon can someone start exhibiting symptoms of HEPATITS C?Also, if someone is being affected by hep. c, and is experienceing nausea, achy joints/muscles, and liver pain is it possible for these symptoms to be present just 7 months after inital exposure? If so, how likely…any and all info. would be GREATLY appreciated..and please dont tell me to go to the doctor, I will go when I am ready, thanks.
A: Most people don’t exhibit any symptoms until many years or even decades later, that’s why Hepatitis C is called the Silent Killer. Symptoms that do appear often are so subtle, like fatigue or joint pain, that they can be easily attributed to other causes. That’s another reason why some people aren’t diagnosed until 20 or 30 years later. To put your mind at ease, get tested. Best wishes to you.
Is there any natural cures for hepatits c ? can you get a product at a super supplements store ?
Q: My friends dad has hep c. And he has been suffering 4 some time with it. I was wondering is there any from a vitamin store he can take to help out. Like at super supplements?
A: I recommend reading Kevin Trudeaux’s “What THEY don’t want you to know”. It’s all about obtaining excellent health even when you have a disease.
what do babies need the hepatits B shot for?
Q: is it necessary for the hep B shot for babies? are there pros and cons to the shot? thanks in advance.
A: Most adults who have hepatitis got it as children. Because of daycare, doctors highly recommend getting the Hep B shot as infants. If your child is not in daycare or around someone at high risk for Hep B, then you can certainly delay it. There is no cure for Hep B.Interestingly, the CDC site claims that you can’t get Hep B from casual contact. If that is true, there is no reason to give a baby Hep B injection unless the mother tests positive for it. I’d wait until the kid was older in that case.Since my child wouldn’t be in day care, it’s on my list of delayed vaccinations.
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