What is hemroid

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Hemroids are the miserable lumps of tenderness that occur when one of the anorectal veins becomes constantly enlarged and inflamed [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-hemroid ]
More Answers to “What is hemroid
for simple understanding it like avaricocele occur inanal canal it could be due to chronic constipation main presentation is bleeding per rectum its not pinful unless it compilicate it may thrombosed or infected
more about hemroids and cures for it. The article below will show you some of the facts about hemroids. What is a Hemorrhoid and How Do Hemorrhoids Form? – The Facts Revealed What is a hemorrhoid and how do hemorrhoids form; these are qu…
What is a hemroid can be a common question. Not many people know what the actual symptoms of hemroids are. You should go to your doctor’s for a definitive diagnosis. The one thing that you will need to understand if you are suffering from h…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: I think I have a hemroid but I’m not sure. It doesn’t hurt, there is no bleeding, and I have no problem taking a dump, although it feels like there is something on my ass. Could it be a cyst or something? My butt is also very sweaty when I wear jeans…shorts not so much, but when I wear denim it gets unbearable. What is wrong with my ass?
A: Check with your doctor. You could have hemorrhoids or polyps in your colon.
Is it true that hemroid cream helps with wrinkles?
Q: I saw a show with a woman who looked very young for her age, and she said her secret was hemroid cream on her face (around the eyes, etc.) Has any one really tried this?? Is there any bad side effect to doing this ?
A: it gets rid of eyebags but i dont think it helps with wrinkles ( =
What is bleeding hemroids? Any natural hemroid treatment?
Q: I have a bleeding painful hemroids.Its causing me terrible pain. I can’t afford to undergo hemroid surgery. Is there any alternative?
A: Hemroids are swollen varicose veins of the rectum and anus. They can be irritated, itchy, and even painful if not treated. Hemoroids can cause bleeding, especially when you have a bowel movement. Thrombosed external hemorrhoid can be the cause of the great pain. Try to modify your diet include lot of fiber and drink plenty of water,at least 3 liters/day.
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