What is heart palpitations

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Palpitations are the unpleasant sensations of irregular &/or forceful beating of the heart. This can be caused by a change…MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-heart-palpitations ]
More Answers to “What is heart palpitations
This article covers heart palpitations, explaining what they are and what potential causes and treatments might be. Tags: heart palpitations irregular heartbeats
Strictly speaking, not all palpitations are characterized by a fast heartbeat (tachycardia). Palpitations can be described as irregular, forceful, skipping, jumping, hopping, or fluttering. It can feel as if your heart is skipping beats and…
Palpitations are heartbeat sensations that feel like your heart is pounding or racing. You may simply have an unpleasant awareness of your own heartbeat, or may feel skipped or stopped beats. The heart’s rhythm may be normal or abnormal. Pa…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you make the distinction between normal awareness of heart beat and heart palpitations?
Q: Heart palpitations are the irregular awareness of the heart beating. You dont have to necesarilly have an irregular, fast, or slow heart beat to have palpitations.So how does one make the distinction between a normal awareness of heart beat and an “irregular awareness” of heart beat? aka palpitations.I know that many people are able to feel their heart beating while at rest and this is considered normal. So why are those people not labeled as having “palpitations” ?
A: If you can actually FEEL your heart beating in your chest you are having palpitations. Point Blank Period
What could cause heart palpitations and the simultaneous opening of my sinus passages?
Q: I have hay fever so it is not unusual for me to be congested, but the heart palpitations are a more recent phenomenon.I didn’t take any medications.The last two times I was just driving a car.
A: Are you taking decongestants? These have the ability to stimulate increased heart rate and blood pressure because of their actions on blood vessels (constriction) and heart rate receptors (tachycardia -fast heart rate)Anything with pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) or topical nasal spray decongestants can cause the release of norepinephrine which causes nasal blood vessel constriction but norepinephrine will also stimulate your heart rate to increase as well because it acts on beta 1 adrenergic receptors.Be careful if you are taking these drugs. They can have side effects and nasal sprays can be addictive with rebound congestion if used more than 4 days. You can also develop supraventricular tachycardia or atrial flutter with these drugs. Older individuals are more susceptible to these reactions.Good luck, hope this helps.
How do i get heart palpitations under control?
Q: I’ve been having heart palpitations for some time now. It happens often. Any advice would be appreciated.
A: Heart palpitations are caused by an irritable group of tissues in the heart. I’ve had heart palpitations for years and I notice for me that if I drink a lot of soda then they get worse. The best advice I have for you is to take a look at what is causing your palpitations and cut it out of your life or at least cut back. I can drink about a 20 oz soda once a day and not have any problems but if I start drinking soda all the time and smoke like a chimney then they get worse. Something that also works is when you feel it take in a deep breath and hold it. If you are very stressed or not eating well and sleeping well they can get worse. But you should go and see a doc as this could be the precursor to a more serious heart arrhythmia.
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