What is good to put on a burn

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is good to put on a burn”,you can compare them.

Soak the burn in cool water,apply aloe vera cream or an antibiotic ointment,put a dry gauze bandage over the burn.Tylenol for pain [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-good-to-put-on-a-burn ]
More Answers to “What is good to put on a burn
What is good to put on a burn?
Aloe Gel
What is the best thing to put on a burn?
Unfortunately, without getting a prescription from your doctor for something, there’s not much. I’ve seen burn sprays that are supposed to numb the area, but they don’t last long at all. Be careful of any “homeopathic” or herbal r…
Is it good to put butter on a burn?
No, absolutely not. While we hear a lot of quack advice about applying butter, oil or lard on a burn, the practice is not medically accepted. When one suffers a burn, the best thing to do is to run clean cool water over the burned areas to …

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Q: Why does alcohol burn when put on broken skin? And is it good to put alcohol on open or closed blemishes? My friend is African American (most have dry skin). She has very few blemishes. She puts alcohol on her face nightly as a cleaner. I have some blemishes and wondered if this would help. And why does alcohol burn when it touches broken skin?
A: Yes, it disinfectsCHECK OUT THIS WEB:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acne_vulgarisTRUST ME! REALLY GOOD INFO.IT’S WORTH READING!Here is what the WEBSITE CONTAINS:Contents: 1 SYMPTOMS 2 CAUSES OF ACNE 2.1 MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT CAUSES 3 TREATMENTS 3.1 TIMELINE OF ACNE TREATMENT 3.2 AVAILABLE TREATMENTS 3.2.1 Exfoliating the skin 3.2.2 Topical Bactericidals 3.2.3 Topical antibiotics 3.2.4 Oral antibiotics 3.2.5 Hormonal treatments 3.2.6 External retinoids 3.2.7 Oral retinoids 3.2.8 Phototherapy Blue and red light Photodynamic therapy 3.3 Less widely used treatments 3.4 FUTURE TREATMENTS3.5 Preferred treatments by types of acne vulgaris 4 ACNE SCARS5 See also 6 References 7 Footnotes 8 External links
Any good websites to download songs and put it on the Windows Media Player then burn it?
Q: Any good websites to download songs and put it on the Windows Media Player then burn it? I found lots of websites but there are NONE that work! plz tell me! 10 points for the best answer!
A: The website you are looking for is called http://www.please bust me! Anyone who would advertise that they want to circumvent the distribution process that has made the recording industry fabulously wealthy for so many years, is just begging to be brought into court! You would be much better off just borrowing a CD from a friend or the Library, and copying it the old fashioned way. There is no such thing as privacy on the internet and you are sticking a big red flag on yourself. The other possibility is that you are from one of those distribution companies and you are looking for places to shut down, but either way, this is the wrong question, in the wrong place to ask it. You are asking people how to break the law, how to get yourself in more trouble than any reasonable person should want in their life, and you are asking them to bring that same trouble down on themselves! I hope you can understand how unreasonable that is. The wise thing to do in this case would be to remove the question and stop drawing attention to yourself, but that is ultimately your decision. I wish you the best in any case.
the flat iron i use makes my hair smelly like its burn. i put good smelly oil before doing it and it dont work
Q: what is a good flat iron that makes my hair smell normal not like burn? it doesnt matter the price not above $200 thou. thanks
A: If you want a good quality flat iron, consider investing in a professional tourmaline ceramic hair iron. I use one from SCP and love it. I used to use a cheap Conair ceramic flat iron (~$20), which get’s the job done, but oh is there a difference. A professional grade flat iron will cost ~$70-150, depending on the brand. It is pricey for a hair styling tool, but you’ll get a lot of use out of it.http://www.overstock.com/Health-Wellness/SCP-Tourmaline-Ceramic-Flat-Iron/1598684/product.htmlhttp://www.nextag.com/tourmaline-flat-iron/search-htmlOther than that, NEVER flat iron on wet hair; it will burn and damage hair. Either blow dry it or air dry until it is mostly dry to touch. The burnt smell you get may be due to burning hair or burning oil. Also, check your temperature setting (even with my professional grade flat iron and really thick coarse hair, I don’t use it at maximal heat. Maybe med to med-hi).Also, ALWAYS use a product to protect your hair from heat styling that is made for that purpose. I highly recommend Brocato’s Swell Volume Leave-In Volumizing Conditioner (~$13 at salons/online). It’s lightweight, works well, and smells phenomenal. But other brands will do.http://www.haircarechoices.com/details_brocato_842.html?lid=40015&gclid=CJD45PzS-I4CFRo7gQod3S6NJw
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