What is fever

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is fever”,you can compare them.

A fever is an abnormally high body temperature. What else can we ChaCha for you today? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-fever ]
More Answers to “What is fever
Fever (also called pyrexia) is defined as body temperature that is higher than normal for each individual. It generally indicates that there is an abnormal process occurring in the body. Exercise, hot weather, and common childhood immunizat…
A temperature of up to 100.3º F may be normal. A temperature greater than this may be a sign of a health problem. Your child’s age and behavior may be a more important indicator. The body has several ways to maintain normal body temperature…
To determine the normal temperature of healthy infants, we studied 691 infants less than 3 months of age being seen for regularly scheduled well-baby visits. All temperatures were taken rectally with an electronic thermometer. The mean te…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes fever with very little vomiting?
Q: my daughter has a low grade fever today, she threw up once a few hours ago but is hungry now and ate lots of fruit loops and hasn’t thrown up since but still has a low grade feverwhat could cause just a fever?
A: Many many things can cause a fever, as the person above me said. Also, depending on the age of your daughter, the fever can be helpful (as long as it is low-grade and doesn’t last for more than a day or so).Perhaps she got a very mild stomach virus, even.
My baby is congested, hasn’t ran a fever and has been eating and sleeping normal. Is he contagious?
A: He should be fine, If he doesnt have a fever, is eating normal, and sleeping ok then I wouldnt worry. But now, If he gets a fever, is crying constanly and stops eating then I’d worry.I recommend for you to run a cold mist humidifier and buy some saline drops for his nose to get rid of his congestion, then use one of those bulbs to suck the extra liquid from his nose.My baby just got over a nasty cold, he was 3 months, he never ran a fever or anything so I didnt take him, but I did call the doctor to make sure and he told me not to go to the office unless he had the 3 things I told you.he got over the cold in like 1 week.
what is a ‘low grade’ fever and what is a high fever?
Q: is a fever dangerous?
A: Low grade fever runs between 100.0-102.2 F and high grade fever runs between 104.0-106.0 F.
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