What is Epstein-bar virus

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Epstein-bar is the virus responsible for Infectious Mononucleosis, often called “mono” or “the kissing disease.” ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-epstein%26%2345%3Bbar-virus ]
More Answers to “What is Epstein-bar virus
Can anyone help me?? I have mononucleosis/Epstein Bar Virus…??
My daughter was diagnosed with Mono in high school a couple of years ago. She was out of school for three weeks and extremely tired all the time when she returned. She has easily come down with all sorts of ailments (colds, flu) yet the doc…
Can the epstein bar virus enter your ears and cause ear problems??
I have been diagnosed with bilateral vestibular nuronitis. It is the result of a viral infection of the 8th cranial nerve. This nerve connects the inner ear to the brain. It is responsible for balance control. Symptoms include severe nausea…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the morphology of Epstein Bar Virus (EBV) and what is the viruses virulence factors?
A: you are aware of course that it’s a herpes virus. So it has the common propertis of the herpes family.morphology:- it’s double stranded.- icosahedral- envelopeddiseases:- infetious mononucleosis.- burkitt’s lymphoma.- B-cell lymphoma.- Nasopharngeal carcinoma.virulence factors: hmmmm:sorry but all I know is that EBV has the ability to inhibit apoptosis and that it infects B lymphocytes mostly :S..
Is the Epstein bar virus transmitted through saliva?
A: Yes, the Epstein-Barr virus lives in the salivary glands. Most people will contract the virus by the time they turn 40, but it usually doesn’t cause any problems. Despite this, it is associated with some types of cancer and mononucleosis. For more information on Epstein-Barr, check out the website I write for, AOL Health:http://www.aolhealth.com/conditions/epstein-barr-virus
Epstein Bar Virus and Mono, how do I prevent myself from spreading it?
Q: Ok, so I have Epstein bar virus, and it developed into mono, so I have that. I didn’t get it by kissing or anything like that, I caught it air borne, I understand there is NO cure for it, but I wanted to know, it there was any way I could prevent myself from spreading it to other people, besides not kissing them, I really wanted marrige to be apart of my future, but not if I’m going to spread this virus to my mate, I’d feel to bad about it, This is really important to me, is there any thing I can do so I can still kiss my partner and NOT give her the virus. 🙁 If there isn’t, then I’m just gong to give up on that part of my life, but, I’d rather not, and please don’t tell me something unless your 100% sureThank you, I’m starting to feel more releaved from every ones answers, also, I’m only 17, Though I’ve been tempted several times to give it away, I’m trying my up most hardest, to save my first kiss for the person, I know I’m going to marry. So, I won’t be able to spread it after awhile no matter what right? Thank you. thank you all for reassuring me this, Thank you every one, if no one else wishes to give an answer to this, I understand, but, more confidence couldn’t hurt, is there any one out there, whose had EPV and mono, and has gotten married, and know for sure their partner didn’t get the virus from them? I’d like some comments from people with that experience, that would really help me to, thanks.
A: I had it a year ago, you wont always have it….. i mean you will always have it in your body but it will go away in like a year and you will feel better. So dont stress out it will be inactive in like a year.
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