What is Epilepsy.. what can happen if you have it

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Epilepsy is a condition of the nervous system that affects 2.5 million Americans. People with epilepsy have seizures. More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-epilepsy..-what-can-happen-if-you-have-it ]
More Answers to “What is Epilepsy.. what can happen if you have it
What happens in epilepsy ?
epilesy is a brain problem with for whatever reason electrical activity in the brain going all over the place. For whatever reason, cause there are varied reasons that could cause it. Yeah, I’ve got frontal lobe damage to which my epileps…
How does epilepsy happen?
The brain consists of millions of connective nerves. Generally the nerve connections communicate with electric impulses, with help from a chemical substance called a neurotransmitter. The results of each nerve connection depend on each neur…
Why did epilepsy happen to me?
That’s hard to say. Often, the doctors can’t come up with a reason. Some things that can lead to epilepsy are: problems in development before birth, severe infections that involve the brain, a severe head injury, certain genetic factors. Bu…

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What would happen if someone with epilepsy was bitten by a deadly venomous snake or spider?
Q: Would the symptoms or affects be different? If they did not noticed the bite, could the affects resemble symptoms of their epilepsy?
A: I think the only difference would be the stress on the body from the bite could cause the person to have a seizure.
What is the worse that could happen is someone with epilepsy doesnt take their pills?
Q: could something worse then a seizure happen if an epileptic misses their pills?
A: seizures can be serious and can cause brain damage, especially if the seizure lasts longer than just a few minutes. This condition, known as Status Epilepticus, is very dangerous and causes death in thousands of seizure patients each year as well as progressive brain damage for others.Please follow the link below to read more about status epilepticus and the damage it can cause.
In the summer i was diagnosed with juvenlie myoclonic epilepsy could a seizure happen at night?
Q: this past summer i was diagnosed with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. could a seizure happen at night or in the afternoon? most of the seizurs i had were in the morning. i am on medication. i haven’t had a seizure since the summer.
A: Yes they can happen any time. I’ll send U some sites too. It is generally outgrown.This syndrome typically arises after three years of age and is considered benign because children usually outgrow it by adolescence. In most children with benign rolandic epilepsy (BRE), seizures are infrequent and in some cases do not require medication. Characteristic manifestations of the syndrome begin with a sensation at the corner of the mouth and drooling, followed by jerking of the mouth that can progress to the rest of that side of the face, and sometimes to that entire side of the body. Although children remain conscious during this type of seizure, they are usually unable to speak for a period of time during and after the seizure. Seizures occur more commonly at night, especially during particular stages of sleep.Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME)This syndrome typically begins in late childhood or early adolescence. It is characterized by mild myoclonic jerks as the individual is going to sleep or waking. Children describe intense feelings of jumpiness that generally subside after about 30 minutes. In addition to the myoclonic seizures, children with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) may also have periodic tonic-clonic seizures http://www.massgeneral.org/childhoodepilepsy/overview/seizure_types.htm http://www.my.epilepsy.com/http://www.ionchannels.org/showabstract.php?pmid=12027575 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ This is a world of information 4 U. I hope this helps U.
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