What is diarreah

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Diarrhea is frequent loose or liquid bowel movements! It is not fun! ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-diarreah ]
More Answers to “What is diarreah
How to stop diarreah?
You can get anti diarrhea medications in pill or liquid form at the store. Usually they work right away…
What is diarrhea?
Diarrhea is loose, watery stools. A person with diarrhea typically passes stool more than three times a day. People with diarrhea may pass more than a quart of stool a day. Acute diarrhea is a common problem that usually lasts 1 or 2 days a…
Constipated to Diarrhea to Constipated: Am I pregnant?
Sounds more like irritable bowel sydrome than pregnancy, Constipation is commin in pregnancy but more in the last months when the weight of the uterus pushes againt the bowel (and causes constipation because of loss of sensation) Also sound…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: I’v been to the doctor 3 times in the last month for nausea and diarreah. i took a bunch of tests and they came out normal but i still have this! anything I can do becides eat crackers and take pepto (taking stuff just makes my stomache feel sick) i’v lost about 20 pounds and no doctors takes me seriously! i have an appt with a diatician and to get a colonoscapy. anybody have any suggestions? thanks
A: Drink lots and lots of clean water, a big reason why children in third world countries die from diarrhea is because the d not have access to clean water. Also I have heard cinnamon helps. Good luck..I also just found this on a website: Oral rehydration solution (ORS) can reverse most cases of dehydration if given quickly. It can be made from one teaspoon of salt and eight teaspoons of sugar dissolved in a liter of water then administered gradually..Make sure you don’t drink tap water– it may be causing your diarrhea.
How do you tell the difference between diarreah and runny poop in a 8 wk old baby?
Q: My son had a very runny diaper this morning. It was runnier than it had been in the past but I don’t know if you would consider it diarreah. How can I tell? I called the doctor and the nurse I spoke with asked if he threw up. He has been spitting up a lot but I don’t know if that is throw up. How can you tell what is what?
A: If your baby has diarrhea and is truly sick, it will smell horrible! Not that any poop smells great, but a sick poop has a different smell – almost a sour smell. Have you noticed any change in the odor at all? There is a virus going around where I live and a lot of babies and children are getting it, however, if he isn’t throwing up, then I’d say it’s not the virus. Believe me, you will know when he throws up, too!If you are still concerned, watch him for a few hours, and see if you notice any changes in his eating and sleeping, that is a sure sign that something is wrong. Good luck with your little one!
What is a non pharmetical treatment for diarreah?
Q: I know someone that has diarreah from a medicine reaction. hes taken all kinds of medicines and nothing has worked. Its been 6 months now. any suggestions? Thanks.
A: you should go to the doctor and have your stool culture…you could have some sort of parasite…6 months is too long for diarrhea. tray eating more leafy green vegtable to add bulk…maybe a bland diet to settle your stomach
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