What is considered sleep deprivation

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is considered sleep deprivation”,you can compare them.

Inadequate rest impairs our ability to think, to handle stress, to maintain a healthy immune system and to moderate our emotions. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-considered-sleep-deprivation ]
More Answers to “What is considered sleep deprivation
What’s considered long term sleep deprivation?
this varies greatly. the major effect is on your brain!
Would you consider sleep deprivation abuse?
Not abuse in the true sense of the word, but it certainly reflects his lack of respect for your well-being and should be brought out in court in some manner, either verbally by your attorney or in the briefs.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what’s considered long term sleep deprivation?
Q: I guess what I’m saying is if you don’t get much sleep or a good quality of sleep how long would this take to cause skin and health problems. Would it take months or years? What about the effects on your face I know it ages your face but would this take a while? And can it be reversed at all once you start sleeping again?
A: this varies greatly. the major effect is on your brain!
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Q: would this be considered a sleep disorder, medical or psychological?I’ve had dark circles under my eyes for almost my entire life… I went through alot of abuse as a child, which more often than not occured at night, so I never had proper sleep. can this add up over time? and if so, what can sleep deprivation or sleeping disorders overall affect your health?
A: i belive it could i heard 1sleepless nnight can take up to a week to recover with normal sleep so many sleepless nights i think it could happen
How do doctors treat victims of severe sleep deprivation?
Q: Consider cases of tortured victims and the treatment, (both medical and psychological) one must undergo.Thank you.
A: They would simply order bed rest and prescribe sleeping pills. There is nothing else they can do.
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