What is considered a high fever

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Around 102 and over is classified as a very high fever. Thanks for using ChaCha and have a nice day! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-considered-a-high-fever ]
More Answers to “What is considered a high fever
What is considered a “high fever”?
High fevers are more common in children than in adults, but will usually respond to Tylenol or Motrin. A lukewarm bath may also be used if the temperature does not go down. Much more important than the height of the temperature, though, is …
What is considered a high fever for adults?
An adult with a fever has an abnormally elevated body temperature over 100.4 degrees F (38 C). Elderly individuals with a fever should be managed carefully. The following adults should be evaluated by a physician: ・ An adult with a fever o…
What temperature is considered a high fever?
that is kind of moderate. High for kids is about 104…for adults it is about 103. None the less, you should be resting and getting fluids and not exposing anyone to your germs…whatever you have is mostly contagious especially with a feve…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

fever in baby – what is considered high?
Q: My baby is now 3 months 1 weeks old. She has a slight cold, which is a slight runny nose, sneezing and a light cough. She has had a fever between 99.8 to 100.5 rectally between last night and today. I have a feeling that she is teething too cause she keeps putting her hand in her mouth and sometimes gets frustrated with breast feeding. I will be taking her to the doc tomorrow and i am giving her calpol 2.5 ml every 4 hours when she has a fever. what is considered high fever for babies at this age?
A: The temperature is not the only thing to consider~a low grade temp w/ iritability should be seen. A temp of 101.5 with a cold and acting normal could stay home. So as I said temperature isn’t the only thing to consider. It sounds like she is running a low grade temp b/c of the cold. If she is frustrated about feeding it may be b/c her nose is blocked. Try using otc saline drops to her nostrils. This will loosen the mucus. Use them especially before feeding and sleeping. Also running a humidifier or vaporizer may help a little too. But to answer your question a temperature over 102.5 at this age needs to see her doctor. I see she already going to be going so that’s good. Acetaminophen is recommended at this age. No ibuprofen until 6 months of age.
What is considered a high fever in teenagers?
Q: Like what is the minimum temperature that is considered to be a high favor in teenagers (13-18)! All answers are appreciated 🙂
A: It depends on the person’s normal body temperature which can range from 95.9 to 99.2. A slightly elevated temperature of 99.8 to 100 wouldn’t be significant in someone whose normal body temperature is 98.6 but can indicate a high fever for someone with a lower than normal body temperature. In general, anything over 100 when the temperature is taken orally is considered a fever.
What degree is considered a high fever, and what degree is considered normal fever?
Q: for a teenager.
A: when i worked in daycare 98. whatever was normal 99. whatever was considered low grade and anything over 100 was considered high and contagious and at 103 we would call the dr 105 you better get to the hospital
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