What is chrones disease

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Chrones disease is a chronic inflammatory disease, primarily involving the small and large intestine. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-chrones-disease ]
More Answers to “What is chrones disease
What is chrones disease?
Chrones disease is an infection of the intestines. there is a small part of the intestine that is affected and usually gets smaller. The disease is very hard to identify an there are many expensive treatments.
Living with Chrones disease…how do you do it?
Hello Sam, I have had crohn’s disease since the age of 12 and was given an ileostomy to save my life at the age of 17. Is your husband having his entire colon removed? if so, that’s called a total colectomy and he’d be given an ileostomy. …
Is chrones disease contagious?
No, it is an incurable autoimmune disease. There appears to be some genetic link between family members developing the disease.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Could I get home schooled for having Chrones Disease?
Q: I have had chrones disease for..well going on 4 years now…the first three years I didn’t even know I had it cause doctors..kept putting me off..so they never saw me. So I have to use the bathroom ALOT! Plus..sometimes I dont even feel like doing anything cause my stomach hurts somewhat…I was just wondering if they think I should get home schooled.
A: Okay I’m going to presume that ‘Chrones’ (sic) is a typo and you meant to say you have Crohn’s Disease: You don’t need a reason, any reason, to be homeschooled; no-one does. The *only* thing you need is the agreement of your parents as whether or not you can homeschool (proper) is solely a parental decision and no business whatsoever of your school, education authority, State or anybody else.Being homeschooled means that your parents withdraw you from school, thus ending all contact between you and the school district and, from that moment on, it’s your parents who bear the responsibility for & costs of organising your education, teaching you themselves, grading your work, keeping your records etc etc. Anyone can homeschool but, as a homeschooler, you & your parents’ll be going it alone as far as the school district is concerned; they’ll be no help or support from the school district or your (ex) school. However if you meant ‘homeBOUND school’ when your school does continue to supply you with the assignments, books, teacher support, grading etc but you get to stay at home and study, that is *not* homeschooling. That you probably would need sufficient cause and proof (doctor’s letter etc) to show that you’re unable to attend school in the normal way as, under homebound schooling, your education’d still be the responsibility of (and therefore a financial drain on) your current school/school district.
Can wheezing be a symptom of Chrones Disease?
Q: My friend is about 60 and she has Chrones and she wheezeswith the whistle in the Spring. I think she says it happens more outside when she’s working in the green grass, not sure. Her doctor refuses to give her anything for her wheezing or do a workup. I told her she needs to get another opinion but she’s real stubborn. She almost died by before she was diagnosed with Chrones. Any suggestions for my frriend?I’ll forward her the answers.
A: That symptom is not part of crones. What your friend has going on sounds more like asthma than anything else. She needs to go to her primary doctor to get a spirometry done, this will measure how well she is breathing and if she needs it, medications will be provided to her for treatment of these symptoms. Since she is having this reaction while working in the grass, I would think it is possibly an allergic reaction. In any case, the best diagnostician is her doctor. Hope this helps!
Can a child have chrones disease?
Q: Can a 4yo child have chrones disease?Is this uncommon?
A: hi cheers, I am a female crohn’s pt. for 28 yrs. dxed at the age of 12.I’ve seen many children as young as 2 yrs. old dxed with IBD (crohn’s or ulcerative colitis) at the CCFA walks over the past 10 yrs.If you go to the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America’s site, you can find information ranging from diet, dxing children, surgery, latest treatments, to locating a local support chapter. There is also a live chat, a hotline, and an open forum where pts., their family and friends can post questions to others going through the same thing. The chat and hotline are run by healthcare experts.Definitely look at CCFA’s site. They update their sites w/research, fundraising information, discoveries, newly approved medications monthly.good luck
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