What is an ulcer in the throat

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A throat ulcer is a condition of the throat where lesions form in an individual’s throat and cause pain and discomfort…MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-ulcer-in-the-throat ]
More Answers to “What is an ulcer in the throat
I have an ulcer in my throat. what can i do to make it??
You show it to some good ENTspesialist. Same type of case was there with my cousin who almost was not able to talk for some days. alopathic and homeopathic together have helped him to get rid of it. i can understand your problem beacause ju…
What causes a throat ulcer and what can I do?
buy some orajel creme:put this on the uvula/the ulceration. orajel will freeze the area,its used for teething pain for babies. ask the pharmacist,maybe there is a spray for adults? or,put orajel onto a q-tip and apply it onto the ulcer.
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can drinking too much water cause an ulcer in your throat?
Q: Sometimes when I drink a lot of water (room temperature) at once, I get this scratchy feeling at the back of my throat… Today I drank a lot and now I have a sharp pain at the back of my throat which I suspect is an ulcer. Is this even possible?
A: normal drinking water at room temp would not cause an ulcer in a healthy human being. Perhaps you have a sore throat that should be cultured by your doctor to rule out strep throat to be on the safe side.
How do I get rid of an ulcer on the back of my throat?
Q: My throat’s been sore for about a week, and I just looked at my throat and there’s an ulcer.
A: go see a doctor.
I have an Ulcer on my throat?
Q: I have an Ulcer, its a creamy white colour and quite red around it, and its on my throat.My throat really hurts, i can’t hardly speak, i can’t eat properly, and sometimes i can’t swallow. The other day, I caught my throat with my toothbrush and it really hurt and i could taste blood, stupid i know, but i think this was the cause? The Ulcer happens to be in the same place as where i cut my throat. I’ve been using Bonjella three times a day but it doesn’t seem to be working. Please help! Thanks.
A: about time you went to the doctors with it i think!
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