What is alexithymia

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Alexithymia means difficulty in experiencing, expressing, and describing emotional responses. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-alexithymia ]
More Answers to “What is alexithymia
Alexithymia is defined as a personality trait characterized by difficulties in describing and identifying feelings, a limited capacity for imagination and fantasy, and externally oriented thinking rather than reflection on inner experience
It’s so odd that you ask this question because I was just told my boyfriend today that even though I try too, I don’t ever seem like I can relate to his emotions. I did a little research on the topic and came across alexithymia. Here is a r…
The word alexithymia literally means “no words for emotion”, from the Greek a for “lack”, lexis for “word” and thymia for “emotion”. Alexithymia is a maladaptive psychological disorder characterized by the inab…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: what is it O.oi was listening to anberlin and got curious haha
A: literally without words for emotions is a term coined by Peter Sifneos in 1973 to describe a state of deficiency in understanding, processing, or describing emotions.^^that’s what wikipedia says it is 😛 its like u cant express emotions u cant process anything or understand anything its like u are void of emotions like a computer just doing what ur told without asking why or questioning anything basically if u have it ur a robot XD wii >.<
Can you develop alexithymia if you are comfortably numb?
Q: Such as with situations you might suppress/repress and don’t want to talk about, as well as hiding all emotions, and taking it as a form of a habit? And if you want to be numb emotionally, does it have to be bad for someone to develop this?
A: Yes, you can just by the definition of the condition. It doesn’t matter if you are comfortable with your lack of feelings, it is still considered an abnormal character trait.
Can you develop alexithymia if you’re comfortably numb?
Q: Such as with situations you might suppress/repress and don’t want to talk about, as well as hiding all emotions, and taking it as a form of a habit? And if you want to be numb emotionally, does it have to be bad for someone to develop this?
A: I feel the same but only with negative situations, ie, I lost mum not so long ago but I did’nt know how to feel so I just kept it to myself and I have’nt spoken to anybody about it, I don’t want the influence of someone elses feelings, but how do I feel ? dunno really, numb ? I think I should feel something, after all it was my mum. so thanx for the pointer,I’ll be looking that one up.
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