What is a URI

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URI stands for Uniform Resource Identifier,it’s official name for those things you see on the Web that begin ‘http:’ or ‘mailto:’, [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-uri ]
More Answers to “What is a URI
upper respiratory infection an infection of the upper respiratory tract such as the common cold, laryngitis, sinusitis, and tonsilitis
A URI, or upper respiratory infection, is an infection which can lead to a runny nose and congestion. In a young infant, the small size of the air passages through the nose and between the ear and throat can cause problems not seen as often…
See RFC2396 for details.

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How long before my kitties recover from the URI?
Q: We just adopted two kittens ( 3 mths and 4.5mths old) the 3 mth old came down with the URI first and now the other has it as well, how long does it take for the URI to run it’s course?They are both on Anti-biotics ( I was at the vet 4 times this week). the 3 mth old has been on them since wednesday night, and the 4.5 mth old since last night.
A: I think it took my kitten(who was 2 months old when he got it) about a week or so to fully recover. You must do the full course of antibiotics no matter what though or it could return very quickly and you’ll end up back at the vet for more antibiotics.
How long is a cat with an URI contagious?
Q: We are fostering a kitten, and she has an URI. This is her 4th day on meds, and she is not sneezing anymore, and her eyes are looking great (the right one is still a bit crusty, though). We have two permanent cats living here, and they are very anxious to meet her.Would it be OK if they met? Or should I wait until the eye is completely clear?
A: You should wait atleast 7-10 days. Your adult cats should have a higher risistance unless they are seniors. But if you have young kittens, then I would wait 2 weeks. Be patient, I would rather wait until it’s completely cleared up rather than to have 3 sick kitties. www.ragdollangels.com
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