What is a skin sunspot

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A very common growth is called a “seborrheic keratosis” and is related to age as they tend to appear after 30 years of age. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-skin-sunspot ]
More Answers to “What is a skin sunspot
How to Get Rid of Sunspots on Skin
Melasma is also commonly referred to as sunspots. When it comes to how to get rid of sunspots on skin, prevention is the first step. Invest in a really good sunscreen, made for your skin type. Some people with oily skin shy away from sunscr…
What are sunspots on your skin?
sun spots are an area of the skin where melanin is more prominent. Artificial tanning and sunlight tanning cause visible spots due to the rapid rays expose to the melanin in the skin, this is caused by Sun bleaching with happens due to over…
Do sunspots on skin cause skin cancer?
If you mean freckles, no. But, your skin is fair if you have them and that means you have to be careful in the sun. Don’t sunbathe, wear hats, don’t get burns, and take care of your skin. As you age a sunburn when you are young shows up as …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I Got Sunburn and Now My Skin Is Flaking, What Should I Do? Flaking Leaves Sunspot Like Skin.?
Q: I go sunburn on my shoulders and top of my back, it’s basically healed now except for the flaking of skin, I’m putting lotion on it to help it stop flaking but whenever it does flake it leaves spots of different colours of skin, as in like a paler colour then my skin is currently. How can I stop the flaking and will my skin ever be rid of the spots of different colour again?
A: haha i live in FL and i get this all the time. u cant stop the flaking and the skin color should turn back. next time wear sunscreen.
How to get rid of sunspots on your skin?
Q: Hey my sister has some sunspots on her face, not much but just a few and they are relatively light for now. Would they fade away by themself in time without the use of any treatment or cream? If they do fade by themself how long will they take? She is starting to use sunscreen now to prevent having them in the future
A: They aren’t going to fade by themselves. They will probably get darker. That’s why it’s better to prevent them.I’m not sure if fading creams really work.She can get laser therapy or chemical peels to help get rid of them. Here’s some information:http://www.emedicine.com/DERM/topic221.htm
How do you use baking soda to restore skin color in the shower?
Q: I was wondering because I don’t know what to do. And also, since it exfoliates skin, does it make sunspots go away? (patches of discoloration)
A: yeah it exfoliates. and after your shower dip a cotton ball in white vinegar apply to sunspot tape it down with a band aid for one hour this works on bruises too.
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