What is a sign of the clap

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Symptoms for the clap/gonorrhea can be mistaken for a bladder or urinary tract infection. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-sign-of-the-clap ]
More Answers to “What is a sign of the clap
How do you know if you have gonnorhea?
Gonorrhea Symptoms. Symptoms of gonorrhea usually appear 2 to 5 days after infection, however, in men, symptoms make take up to a month to appear. Some people do not have symptoms. They may be completely unaware that they have caught the di…
How do you clap in sign language?
While clapping is possible for any person who has two hands, as a expression of appreciation toward a deaf person who cannot hear, the sound produced is sort of pointless. You will see deaf people clap if they are expressing appreciation of…
Why do we clap as a sign of approval?
It is an easy and attention commanding sound that we all can make. It is common all across the world in all cultures. The same way that the hand sign for OK is very common in many different cultures that did not have contact with others unt…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is teeth clap a sign of drug abuse?
Q: I met a girl yesterday she is cute and everything. But one thing I noticed that she makes like a strange claping noise with her teeth sometimes. Felt like she couldnt put her top raw of her teeth to the bottom. I heared few years ago somewhere that its a sign of drug abuse. Is she on coke? Anybody knows, please be serious. ThanksGuys, Just to let you know, everyone in my family are doctors, I heared alot over the years, so I know a thing or two about symptoms. So please leave the “i am too judgemental” for yourself. I am usually right about this.
A: I ahve never heard this in my life. I have an overbite. But I did do A LOT of drugs. But I had the overbite before that. Cocaine’s a hell of a drug.
why do we clap as a sign of approval?
A: It is an easy and attention commanding sound that we all can make. It is common all across the world in all cultures. The same way that the hand sign for OK is very common in many different cultures that did not have contact with others until very recently.
What is the real title for a girl that carries signs ie “BOO” “Clap” “Act Two” in a performance?
A: Cue card holder?
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