What is a sign of a stroke

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Symptoms of a stroke are problems walking, trouble with your speech, numbness on one side of your body, and a headache. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-sign-of-a-stroke ]
More Answers to “What is a sign of a stroke
What are the symptoms of stroke in women over 50?
Stroke Symptoms. Symptoms of Stroke could include headache, weakness, dizziness, paralysis, numbness, and tingling…
What are the signs of a stroke?
A stroke happens fast. Most people have two or more signs. The most common signs are:・ Sudden numbness or weakness of face, arm, or leg (mainly on one side of the body) ・ Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes ・ Sudden trouble walkin…
How to Recognize Signs of a Stroke
・ 1 F: Look at the person’s face. You may need to ask them to smile at you. If there is a droop on one… ・ 2 A: Ask the person to raise their arms. Some may have paralysis and may be unable to raise their arms… ・ 3 S: Evaluate the person…

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Q: My mother is 85 years old. Lately she just drool and we have been giving her tylenol, we just assume it is her teeth. The drooling comes on and off. Seem like she is weak. She slouch and walks slowly, somebody said it might be a sign of a stroke.
A: Has this been happening like, right now all of a sudden or has it been an occasional thing? Can she speak? I would definately have it checked out –immediately. Every SECOND delayed during a stroke is brain lost. Please do it, you’ll be glad you did. Best of luck. 🙂
Delusions and hallucinations no sign of stroke?
Q: My mother has been taken to the hospital because of a leg injury and blood clots. Over the past week or so she has been have delusions and halucinations.. calling out to people who arent there, etc. but her neuro exam is fine. she can answer direct questions, knows where she is, what day it is, etc. No sign of stroke so far. One theory is that it is being caused by some sort of siezure. has anyone else had experiences like this?Update: She is 66 years old. No family history of demintia or alsheimers (sp). seems to go in and out of the condition. spoke to her today and she sounds fine but has no memory of yesturday.Update: She is 66 years old. No family history of demintia or alsheimers (sp). seems to go in and out of the condition. spoke to her today and she sounds fine but has no memory of yesturday.
A: She may be experiencing vasospasm, or has had a clot settle in her hippocampus (the brain structure responsible for memory) or deep in her right cerebral hemisphere, in which case it would be what is called a “silent stroke”. Ask for a neurology consult to get this figured out, because it will have an impact on her discharge plan (going home independently or with help, moving to assisted living, or going to rehab or a nursing home).
Pain in left arm joint at the shoulder and left bicep for a female 86 patient is it a stroke sign?
Q: This patient has pre-diabetis, has atrial fillibration and has recently had a pacemaker implant, and she is my mother, so I am really worried. A sound advice is welcome, since she had this pain since 2 hours ago and I already gave her Tylenol arthiris and her pain subsided a little. She has been at the hospital for fast heart beat and this pacemeker implant last December.Thanks, Jimbo49!Thanks, Tina
A: I think she should be on beta blockers to regulate her heart beat and anti inflammatory drugs for her arthritis. She could be suffering from stress pains at the moment and needs to relax more. Gentle walks in the fresh air should also help.(supervised)
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