What is a knee pain solution

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More Answers to “What is a knee pain solution
Can anyone recommend a solution for knee pain?
Taking care of yourself when you have water on the knee includes: * Rest. Avoid weight-bearing activities as much as possible when your knee is painful and swollen. * Ice and elevation. Cold therapy can help control pain and swelling. Apply…
Is there a reason for my chronic knee pain or a solution for it??
perhaps you are slowing down your circulation in your lower legs due to being cramped up so much try and move your legs about during your car journey and ask the front seat Passenger to move there seat forwards or if you sit in the front th…
What can be the solution for Knee pain(uterus removed)?
My Mom’s Uterus is removed five years back. Now she is suffering Back Pain and Knee Pain severely. Can You tell me the solution for this. Answer: most likely to an unrelated cause…possibly some arthritis, need to be seen by a doctor of a …

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What can be the solution for Knee pain(uterus removed) and her age is 49?
Q: My Mom’s Uterus is removed five years back. Now she is suffering Back Pain and Knee Pain severely. Can You tell me the solution for this.
A: most likely to an unrelated cause…possibly some arthritis, need to be seen by a doctor of a diagnosis
Solution for knee pain during leg extension exercise?
Q: How come whenever i use the leg extension weight machine, i get a small pain in my left knee. Its only at a certain angle, about 80 degrees. This happens even on the lowest weights. My legs are not tired and im not straining, but when i get to that certain angle, i feel that pain in my left knee. What is it from? What can i do about it?
A: It sounds like Chondromalacia Patella, which is basically a pain in the kneecap caused by a lack of cartilage. It’s pretty common amongst young people – about 1 in 3 get it at some point. Apparently it will disappear on its own. If it’s bothering you, you can try more leg-strengthening exercises to build up muscle and protect the cartilage. If the pain is severe, see your doctor and get some pain killers. But usally it is pretty harmless. I get this sometimes too, when I run, but it’s been better lately.See this page for more information: http://www.arc.org.uk/arthinfo/patpubs/6022/6022.asp
can anyone recommend a solution for knee pain?
Q: i m a 40 yr old woman. i have started experiencing pain in my right knee. it has got swollen now and the pain is only in that part.i consulted the doc. and he has said that i have osteoarthiritis and that i will have to take out the water from my knees and he also said that he will take it for testing first. i am confused as to should i take it out or there is some other treatment for this. also can you tell me how they remove the water?
A: Taking care of yourself when you have water on the knee includes: * Rest. Avoid weight-bearing activities as much as possible when your knee is painful and swollen. * Ice and elevation. Cold therapy can help control pain and swelling. Apply ice to your knee for 15 to 20 minutes every two to four hours. You may use a bag of ice, frozen vegetables or an iced towel cooled down in your freezer. When you ice your knee, raise your knee higher than the level of your heart, using pillows for comfort. * Pain medication. Acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) is often effective at relieving pain. NSAIDs (Advil, Motrin, others) are effective for relieving pain and inflammation. If these don’t relieve the pain, ask your doctor about prescription medications. * Muscle-toning exercises. If your thigh (quadriceps) muscle or hamstring muscles are weak, your doctor may refer you to a physical therapist to learn how to strengthen these muscles to better support your knee. * Managing your weight. Losing weight will minimize the amount of weight your knees have to support when you engage in weight-bearing activities.Removing fluid from your knee joint can help relieve the pressure of joint fluid buildup. After aspirating joint fluid, your doctor may inject a corticosteroid into the joint to treat inflammation. Water on the knee can severely limit the mobility of your knee joint if left untreated. If your knee joint is infected, it may cause destruction of the joint or it may extend into the bone (osteomyelitis).So these are your choices, good luck.
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