What is a home remedy for canker sores

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Try rinsing your mouth with a solution of 1/2-teaspoon salt dissolved in 8 ounces of water. ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-home-remedy-for-canker-sores ]
More Answers to “What is a home remedy for canker sores
What is a home remedy for a canker sore?
Medical grade Tea Tree oil, no pain right away, starts the healing process. If you feel one coming on and use it you will probably never see it.
Is There A Home Remedy For Canker Sores?
My husband has suffered from canker sores for many years. Sometimes he has two or three in his mouth at one time. He’s tried over-the-counter topical medications like Zilactin and hydrogen peroxide as well as the home remedy of salt and war…
Is there an easy home remedy for canker sores?
Canker sores will get better on their own without any treatment. But there are things you can do to help it along and to feel better. Orajel and Anbesol, both of which you can get without a prescription, will numb the sore and make it less …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the cause of/a home remedy for canker sores?
Q: Yesterday or so one of these canker sores popped up on my upper lip inside my mouth, and it got worse quickly. It hurts like heck and I’m looking for a fast remedy that might speed the healing, that can be made at home. I tried rinsing my mouth with saltwater, but because the sore is on my lip I don’t think that the saltwater even touched it. I’d also like to know what could’ve caused the canker sore. Thanks so much, I apprecitate it!
A: I don’t know any home remedies, except abreva from the store. But as for what causes them, I’ve noticed that I tend to get canker sores when I haven’t been getting enough sleep for a few nights in a row, and eating sugary foods tends to make them stick around longer before they heal. Hope this helps.
What is a good home remedy for canker sores?
Q: I’m in soooo much pain. I’ve had canker sores before but never one like this. I feel like someone stabbed me in the mouth, because it lines up where my teeth close. It hurrrrts, what can I do to make this pain stop until it heals owwww
A: Canker sores will get better on their own without any treatment. But there are things you can do to help it along and to feel better. Orajel and Anbesol, both of which you can get without a prescription, will numb the sore and make it less painful. There are also prescription medications you can get that will help. There are several mouthwashes that can help – look for one without alcohol. Even if you don’t have any of those treatments, you can rinse your mouth with warm salted water several times a day. It is gross, but it will help.These sites give the details about canker sores and how to treat them.http://kidshealth.org/teen/diseases_conditions/mouth/canker.htmlhttp://www.medicinenet.com/canker_sores/article.htmhttp://www.wikihow.com/Treat-Canker-Sores-or-Mouth-Ulcershttp://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/tc/canker-sores-topic-overview
How to treat canker sores, home remedy?
Q: Ok, I have the most painful canker sores in my mouth, and I can’t stand them anymore. I get them all the time, but right now it sucks really bad! Are there any ways I can use things around the house (bar mouthwash and aspirin) that wouldn’t be that painful… I have so many right now it would be torture to go through so much pain!
A: Almost everyone has hydrogen peroxide in their home. Rinse your mouth with a little bit of it after each brushing. It doesn’t hurt at all, it lets you see what parts you missed, and it prevents canker sores. =)
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