What is a "concussion"

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A concussion (say: kun-kuh-shun) is a temporary change in the way the brain works when it is suddenly moved or jarred in this way. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-%22concussion%22 ]
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In writing – What is a Preface?
Q: Hiii.(:It’s Emii’s [Crimson Bloom] friend here…she doesn’t know I’m using this lolll.I was just wondering what a preface was – book wise??Like, what’s the point in one ect?Thank youuuu. 8)
A: a preface is like a prologue….the bit that happens before the story.you know….like an epilogue is what happens after the main story and the preface is before. sometimes the preface is something that will happen later on in the story. for example:PREFACE:on november 1st, Amelia died. i couldn’t believe it. one minute she was there and the next she was gone. CHAPTER ONE:Amelia closed her eyes and listened to the music. She loved the way it made her feel. All soft and gooey inside. See, Amelia is dead in the preface but not in chapter one. this lets you know that she is going to die later on. usually it ties in with the story. so it might mention someone’s name…in this case, Amelia. And the whole book, you will be waiting for her to be mentioned again. The book I am writing has a preface. And it is the future…so the main story is what happens leading up to the preface. Hope this helps
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