What Info about the virus, swine flu

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The ongoing outbreak of novel influenza A (H1N1) continues to expand in the United States and internationally. CDC expects (MORE) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-info-about-the-virus%2C-swine-flu ]
More Answers to “What Info about the virus, swine flu
How do you catch it? swine flu virus information by the leading d…?
The virus is contagious and humans can be infected by spreading from person to person by coughing and sneezing. Human are contagious anywhere from one day before the onset of the illness to seven days afterwards. Swine flu CANNOT be contrac…
Is this swine flu virus contagious?
It has been determined that this virus is contagious and is spreading from human to human. However, at this time, it not known how easily the virus spreads between people.
Why is 2009 H1N1 virus sometimes called “swine flu”??
This virus was originally referred to as “swine flu” because laboratory testing showed that many of the genes in this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs (swine) in North America. But further study h…

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can u send me an info about the n1z1 virus or what they called zombie swine flu?
Q: zombie swine flu
A: The history of the extraction of the genetic material from the corpses of victims of the 1918 Spanish influenza virus who were buried in Arctic permafrost is part “X-Files” and part “Jurassic Park.”After an unsuccessful 1951 mission, that involved U.S. biological warfare specialists, to extract 1918 Spanish flu genetic material in 1951 from a cemetery in the Inupiat Eskimo village of Brevig Mission, Alaska, scientists made another attempt, a successful one it turns out, in 1997.Dr. Johan Hultin, from the State University of Iowa, successfully extracted genetic material from the corpse of an obese 30-something female who died from the Spanish flu in 1918, along with 85 percent of Brevig Mission’s (called Teller Mission in 1918) villagers in a single week. The pandemic killed at least 50 million people around the world.Once the Spanish flu genetic material was obtained from the lungs, spleen, liver, and heart of the Eskimo woman’s corpse, scientists, in a scene reminiscent of the fictional movie “Jurassic Park,” in which genetic material from extinct dinosaurs is used to bring the creatures back to life, recreated the long-since dead 1918 Spanish flu in a U.S. government-funded laboratory. The woman’s organs were cut into one-inch cubes and shipped to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Rockville, Maryland, where the virus’s genetic RNA material was identified and the 1918 Spanish flu was successfully brought back to life.The search for the frozen bodies of 1918 flu victims was not limited to Alaska. Another team of scientists, acting like Dr. Frankenstein’s “Igor,” set out to dig up the graves of miners who died from the flu in the remote Norwegian mining village of Longyearbyen in Spitsbergen, which lies north of the Arctic Circle.WMR has learned from a research scientist who has been working on the recreation of the 1918 flu that the genetic material has been re-engineered to synthetically create what is now known as the A/H1N1 virus, or as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) calls it, the “novel flu.”The A/H1N1 influenza, which contains genetic material from two strains of swine flu, two strains of human flu, and a single strain of avian flu, has, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), infected, as of May 13, a total of 4,880 people in North America: 2,059 in Mexico; 2,535 in the United States, and 286 in Canada. There have been 56 reported deaths from the flu in Mexico, three in the United States, and one in Canada.WMR has learned from an A/H1N1 researcher that the current “novel” flu strain is mutating rapidly in humans but no animals have contracted the virus. The enzyme in A/H1N1, as with all influenza A viruses, is called a polymerase. Scientists have calculated the molecular clock of A/H1N1 form the virus’s polymerase rate. Because of the rapid mutation of the virus and the fact that, unlike 1918, rapid global transportation is now the norm, scientists are predicting that the molecular clock of the A/H1N1 virus, coupled with modern transportation, means that almost all the countries of the world will experience an A/H1N1 outbreak within the next few months.What is different about A/H1N1 is that, unlike other new strains of viruses that rapidly mutate upon emerging and then slow down mutation and then stop entirely, the “novel” or incorrectly-named “swine flu” is showing no signs yet of slowing down its mutation rate and that, according to scientists who worry about A/H1N1 being synthetically-generated, does not happen in nature.In 2006, at a summit meeting in Cancun, Mexico, President George W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and Mexican President Vicente Fox agreed for their nations to coordinate their response to avian flu, which was spreading in Asia. National Public Radio, on April 2, 2006, ran a segment on how bird flu wreaked havoc in 1918 in Brevig Mission. NPR’s Weekend Edition ran a report from Brevig Mission by Lori Townsend of Alaska Public Radio: “The grave has been opened twice by the same pathologist. In 1951, Johann Hultin convinced village elders to allow him to take tissue samples from bodies buried in permafrost. His lab attempts to map the virus were unsuccessful, but he returned in 1997, and when he did, he was once again given permission to re-open the grave.”WMR has learned from a journalist from Anchorage who covered the 1997 grave exhumation that there was CIA personnel with the team of scientists. Inuit elders of Brevig Mission argued that digging up the graves of the flu victims would release evil spirits. However, money allegedly changed hands between the U.S. government research team and some of the elders, so permission to dig up the graves was granted.NPR and Alaska Public Radio was reporting what was extracted from the 1918 flu victim’s corpse was the H5N1 avian flu virus, but that was erroneous. Or was it? If what was extracted from the dead woman’s body in Brevig Mission was used to synthetically create the cur
Something very strange about the H1N1 Virus (Swine Flu)?
Q: Ok, if you take the time to read this you may call me a conspiracy theorist & you’re welcome because there’s something not right with all this…{ info source: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/24/health/24flu.html }”Contrary to the popular assumption that the new swine flu pandemic arose on factory farms in Mexico, federal agriculture officials now believe that it most likely emerged in pigs in Asia, but then traveled to North America in a human”.”The highly unusual virus — which includes genetic bits of North American human, avian and swine flus and Eurasian swine flu — has not been detected in any pigs except those in a single herd in Canada that was found infected in late April”…………………………………………………………………………………………Now the media were all over this from the start, spreading fear of mass casualties the influenza would bring. As the WHO raised the threat levels, it was as if they’d already decided a full blown pandemic would be declared & reports were coming in of the warehouses already stocked & ready to go with the Anti-Viral Tamiflu. Just days later the leaflets raising awareness were hot off the press to be delivered to every household in the country!Then it would appear the effect/or reaction wasn’t quite what they’d premeditated & the subject practically disappeared off the mainstream until now – they’ve plucked a figure of 100,000 as the amount of people likely to be infected each day very soon.If this doesn’t have ‘Man Made Event’ written all over it I don’t know what could & just basically leaves me thinking…* A virus doesn’t just materialise out of thin air, in pigs that just so happen to pass it to a human who infects other pigs & the whole world with it!* I would wager everything on this virus having been made in a laboratory & reasons for Mexico being chosen as the starting point for a human depopulation programme comprehendable which apparently, as frightening as it may seem (for the sake of the planet) needs to happen.* A pig farm in Mexico would never have attracted the attention of the worlds media at such an early stage unless they were already made aware of something untoward.* The news broadcaters are controlled at the highest level, the scare tactics were to test public reaction & as there was no mass panic, they were able/forced to play the situation down. The virus hasn’t spread as quickly as it might have done but I think come the Winter time we’re going to see the ‘true’ effect of this Pandemic & the imminent death of many people perhaps myself included.I may not be completely right in all the conclusions I draw personally, though that doesn’t matter, it’s simply my opinion.But I defy anyone to claim that this is all just a naturaly occuring incident.
A: Every year in the United States, on average 5% to 20% of the population gets the flu; more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu complications, and; about 36,000 people in the USA die from flu-related causes. CDC
Q: Im in Ca.and it’s getting to be a larger number of peoplewith it.Do you think i could get it? Is there a cure for it yet? What are the chances that someome would die from it? How did this virus start? Any info about the Swine Flu will be appreciated.
A: Don’t worry Princess, there is a very slim chance that you will come in contact with it. Wash your hands often and stay away from crowds until this dies down.
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