What if I have a concussion what do I do

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You should go to the Doctor where the Doctor will perform a battery of different tests to determine the severity. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-if-i-have-a-concussion-what-do-i-do ]
More Answers to “What if I have a concussion what do I do
How can I prevent a concussion?
It’s different for every sport. But there are steps you can take to protect yourself from concussion.
Tell your coaches and your parents. Never ignore a bump or blow to the head even if you feel fine. Also, tell your coach if one of your teammates might have a concussion.
Do i have concussion?
The symptoms you describe certainly could be due to a concussion which can happen whether or not you were knocked out. Headache is common after a bang on the head – imagine that it is like the pain you would have if you banged your arm or y…

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Q: I was riding my bike and fell off and hit the back of my head really hard on the cement,after that i had trouble remembering what happened and my memory of the past couple days has gotten blurry do i have a concussion
A: yes
Is it safe to have sex while you have a concussion?
Q: I know its like REALLY dangerous to get another head injury while you have a concussion but is it ok to have sex?well its saturday now the concussion was wednesday night, i just want to be sure its alright.. and i dont see how i’m a slut if i’ve been with the same guy for 3 years haha just wondering how long i need to like “recover” or whateverI see the “slut” comment was deleted, thank you!!
A: If your symptoms are improving – go for it. However, it is still really early after your concussion. You may find out that instead of a climax you get a headache and fatigued instead. So listen to your body.If I waited till I was symptom free to have sex I would have been celibate for the last 5 years. I have learned how to have sex with a headache if need be:)Have fun.
Q: yesterday i got concussion. i was getting into my car and hit my head on the door. it really hurt and then i went swimming at the beach like minutes after. i started feeling dizzy and light headed. i lost track of what i was doing so i got out. i felt hungry even though i had just had a huge breakfast. is this how concussion is supposed to be like and how long are they supposed to last for?
A: They only last for around 24 hours or less. You should get checked out by a doctor though. You may need a CAT scan to make sure everything is okay. Take care! ♥
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