What I have red bumps on my legs. What are they

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It’s entirely possible that the red bumps on your legs are the result of razor rash. Using a sharp razor & exfoliating will help. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-i-have-red-bumps-on-my-legs.-what-are-they ]
More Answers to “What I have red bumps on my legs. What are they
Why do I get red bumps on my legs after shaving?
Its called razor burn. Go EXTRA slow when you shave. It helps me to moisturize my legs with a hypo-allergenic (non scented) lotion before shaving. Before shaving make sure your legs have been in warm water for at least 2 to 3 minutes. (This…
How do I get rid of red bumps on my legs from shaving?
They are casued by shaving when the hairs on your legs are not fully saturated with water (rub your legs first and make sure you have been in the shower for a while first so the water has time to soak in), and by shaving without putting soa…
Why have i got permanent red bumps on my legs since i started epi…?
・ exfoliate with brown sugar .. or brown sugar mixed with milk

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A: prolly either chicken pox or maybe fithes disease or hand foot and mouth disease(not really a disease, just a rash)
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Q: I remember having these last year after I shaved, but I thought they were razor bumps, and a week later they went away (hair grew back slightly?). But I haven’t done anything with my legs since then, and today was the first time I got rid of the hair on my legs again. I usually use Nair, with no problems, only used razor sporadically.
A: Get an after waxing lotion that will calm down the traumatized follicles 🙂 It also helps to exfoliate your legs once a week or so to remove the dead skin which causes ingrown hairs – this could be some of your red dots, especially if they’re like little pimples. Exfoliating also makes your legs smoother 🙂
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Q: 2 days ago I started to get Red bumps on my chest and thighs now it has spread on to my lower legs and around my crotch. They are flat red bumps. please help
A: I’m not a doctor or a dermatologist so I can’t tell you what they are exactly, but if they itch and spread when you itch them, they could be hives.I would definitely make an appointment to see a doctor soon if they don’t go away.
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