What helps sore throats

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What helps sore throats”,you can compare them.

Try any of these: Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Gargle with warm salt water (1 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of water). Suck on throat lozenges or hard candy. Eat soft foods. Suck on Popsicles. Use a humidifier. Drink lots of fluids. -ChaCha!! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-helps-sore-throats ]
More Answers to “What helps sore throats
Simply drinking hot drinks will help. I know it sounds odd, cold drinks do feel better; However, hot drinks melt away the mucus and bacteria that are making your throat sore. Drink hot tea, decaf coffee, or even just hot water with lemon an…
Sore throats are easily recognized by the following symptoms: dryness and difficulty swallowing, red and swollen throat, pain around the jaws and ears and your voice might be hoarse.
Anything with will help quell the pain. I would suggest hot orange juice with crushed whole cloves brewed in. Ginger is also good and can be added, but clove will act more quickly because of the eugenol content. Bring 4 cups orange juice to…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I know that hot tea or hot water usually helps people with sore throats; does cold water also?
Q: I always assumed that cold water makes things worse but the someone told me that cold water actually helps as well. I don’t really believe this some I figured I would ask anyway.
A: Cold water or compresses are good to suppress swelling in an injury, heat, will draw extra blood to the area that is afflicted and extra blood bringing extra nutrients to the area afflicted and takes away the bad, the heat is more for healing. Use the heat.
How come gargling with salt water cures sore throats?
Q: I want to know why, it’s just really interesting. I never had a sore throat in a while though.. In a long while.. But when I do get a sore throat, salt water helps alot, it goes away better than any medicine i’ve ever tried. Why’s that?
A: The answer lies within the very nature of salt. It’s a natural dehydrator commonly used in food preservation and preparation. Its ability to draw out the water in foods is the reason pickles retain their tartness and crunch after months in a jar, and also how salmon lox is made. While salt doesn’t exactly pickle your throat, the same principle applies. A sore throat is usually inflamed due to bacteria and other germs wreaking havoc on your soft tissues or mucosa. These inflammations (known as edemas) are usually filled with water, and the salt works its way into your throat. Through osmosis, the salt draws out the edema fluid, killing the bacteria, which requires a warm, wet environment.
Why do I get really bad sore throats at night and right when I wake up?
Q: I don’t mean when I’m lying down to go to sleep. Just like, around ten every night, no matter what I’m doing, I get really bad sore throats that last until about ten in the morning. During the day though, I’m fine. Help?
A: you might need to drink more water. try drinking more fluids
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